Stop trying to be my friend...

Feb 16, 2009 21:47


Chuck )

tv: brainz, tv: nerd herd

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Comments 11

sheryden February 17 2009, 03:27:56 UTC
I am so LOVING this volume! I don't know if we have a clear answer on why Nathan is nuts. Some have theorized that Arthur is possessing him or something, but I don't know. He could just be nuts.

I'm loving Luke and Sylar. I haven't enjoyed Sylar this much in ages.

I was sad about the Bennet break-up, but I think it was coming, and it should make for good drama when they work it out.

Next week is so going to win!!!!


thecomfychair February 17 2009, 04:13:42 UTC
ooo, Arthur possessing him, I hadn't thought of that. I think at this point, I'm just going to roll with the character changes as long as the show is still somewhat entertaining. :D

And yes, I like how you said when there about the Bennets making up. Because they totally better. After Daphene (allegedly) bit the dust last week, they're my last het OTP on this show.

I hope next week is as good as Company Man.


sheryden February 17 2009, 04:19:12 UTC
I'm pretty certain that Daphne will be fine.

I think next week's will rock hard!


g0shawk February 17 2009, 03:33:03 UTC
Me too! :D

Eh, I don't understand Nathan right now.

The hunter:
I know him from Touching Evil...

Yeah I like the slightly evil Sylar too :P

Sad about HRG leaving :(

I know, I can't wait!


thecomfychair February 17 2009, 04:14:38 UTC
ooh, I know him from teh X-Files! He was Roland! Thank you :D

Hopefully HRG and Sandra will get back together. Because HRG is totally a hero in the end.



g0shawk February 18 2009, 01:25:42 UTC
sure :)

*nods* I agree.

*glares at watch impatiently*


odannygirl7 February 17 2009, 05:50:39 UTC
I don't think there was a reason stated for Nathan being all crazy all of a sudden. I've heard theories that pappa!Petrelli has possessed him though...

Sylar and Luke are so. freaking. cute! It's like, you know Sylar begrudgingly luffs Luke. And thinks he's annoyingly adorable.

Was the ending like the beginning of really kinky foursome porn... or was that just me? (next week does look awesome)


thecomfychair February 17 2009, 17:18:27 UTC
I can't wait for more of the Luke and Sylar Roadtrip of Evil. I just hope Sylar doesn't end up killing him. Though he probably will.

And LOL, yes, the end was like the beginning of a bad porn film. Who knows what next week will bring :D

(also, I LOVE YOUR ICON. I keep on meaning to make an icon out of that commercial, it was so great.)


odannygirl7 February 18 2009, 07:27:59 UTC
I hope at least before he kills him that there is an awesome battle. Something a little more climatic thatn *tick tick tick dead*

One can only hope for some kinky bondage.

(Thanks! The football commercial was also v. cool. I need to whip up an icon of Sylar zapping the football. :D)


thecomfychair February 18 2009, 02:30:28 UTC
THANK YOU. I was wondering what was happening with S6, because it's already Fashion Week, but Lifetime/Bravo are all still tied up in litigation. I would prefer it stay on Bravo, tbh, but then I actually get Lifetime so I wouldn't have to watch the seasons piecemeal on Youtube.

Also, LOL Tim Gunn “I’m not sure anyone WILL be excited!”


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