This is my turf

Aug 26, 2006 13:45

A few words on
Clearly, Gus is one of us. Shawn is such a mundane. Also, did you see David Nykl!? (with an American accent!) and George Takei has a blueberry crisis. LOVE. When fandoms collide, man. And Lassister and the Chief and the baby! Quite possibly the best episode yet. Though I really wish Juliet was a little less annoying. And now we have to wait until January? :(

and a few more words on Project Runway
I'm just saying---Emmett, my favorite last year, Parsons grad, eliminated 8th last year. Robert, one of my two favorites, Parsons grad, eliminated 8th last year. I think the producers are spiting me. And this challenge was just all kinds of ill-concieved. Who thought it would be a good idea to have the moms picked like the models? That just started off all those esteem issues I'm sure that culminated into the whole Darlene-Jeffrey rumble. Oh, PR. You better shape up.

tv: make it work, tv: psychmobile

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