Oct 19, 2005 16:32
I find it odd that the night after I spend the evening reading over an achive of Handfasting rituals, Michael comes to me with a co-worker needing information which leads to more information from him on Handfasting. Things are too connected with us sometimes ^_^ it freaks me out!
Anyway... My basic theory here is that, to have my wedding preformed the way I want it to be, I will need a Unitarian priest(ess). I want to combine the handfasting with a mildly religious ceremony (no bible quotes, but preformed sort of traditional). I was the vows to be read, the rings to be exchanged and then a hand fasting to be preformed. After the handfasting, a sword would be laid down behind me and my newly found husband, over which we would step and continue our path away from the alter the marriage was preformed at.
At the beginning of the wedding, I would have who ever is preforming the ceremony describe a handfasting and so forth, and explain that it will be done after the rings are exchanged as a final symbol of tieing our lives together on our new path.
I always knew I wouldn't have a traditonal wedding.
Call it newage.
I know that in a traditional handfasting, the bride usually wears red or scarlet instead of white. Well, I'll be wearing white, but I want a medieval style dress, very simple, and I, to keep with more handfasting tradition, would tie a red cord loosly at my hips.
I wonder what color cord I would need to get for a hand fasting? I'm thinking pink, green, and white... Or one of those three. Pink for love, trust, and romance. Green for health, luck, stability, and faithfulness. White for new love, new beginings, and new life.
Stupid friends getting engaged. Now all I want to do it plan my wedding. And I'm not even close to having one yet!