A combination of weird talks, broken arms, pee filled shoes (yuck), and moldy bread? The universe is conspiring against you. D:< Hope tomorrow sucks less, but at least you didn't lose your job thanks to the flying doctor. :D
...WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT MY LOVE OF ALL THINGS BEAUTY AND THE BEAST? ♥ I shall find a download of the ebook for it and read it, it sounds interesting. :D
Yeah, I'll have to send Flying Doctor a box of cookies or something. xD
I uh... TOTALLY GUESSED IT?! xD It's a freaking awesome book, I want to reread it again already :D Lemme know what you think when you do get to try it out! O:
Mold hates me too ;^; Though it gives me the siffles intead of the itchies >.o
I almost went up to Buffalo NY randomly saturday night!...But then I remembered I had work and needed monies D: I like road trips, but work keeps them away from meee ><
But I hope tomorrow is better for you too! :D *gives you PB&J*
O:!! I think they count as real people though! xD only BETTER.
Yeah, stupid THING. D: She's okayish. >_> Poor girly still can't be up and moving much but she does anyway. xD My arm's okay too, I'm using the freaking sling like I'm supposed to now so it'll remind me not to punch things with that hand or roll onto the couch with it either. xDDD Since that was JUST SO MUCH FUN AND ALL.
Thankyas :D Ranting is fun. *clingeths* Yeah, today's okayish so far, I'm kinda bored though O: ...xD I have no idea what the time difference is from here to there! It confuses me too, lol. xDD
...D: I bet my moldy couch-bread and your moldy ceiling are homies. That're plotting AGAINST US. You know, with the sacred brotherhood of... being... EWISH. Yeah. I'll go with that. >_> ...ANYWAY! :D
Comments 6
...WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT MY LOVE OF ALL THINGS BEAUTY AND THE BEAST? ♥ I shall find a download of the ebook for it and read it, it sounds interesting. :D
Yeah, I'll have to send Flying Doctor a box of cookies or something. xD
I uh... TOTALLY GUESSED IT?! xD It's a freaking awesome book, I want to reread it again already :D Lemme know what you think when you do get to try it out! O:
I almost went up to Buffalo NY randomly saturday night!...But then I remembered I had work and needed monies D: I like road trips, but work keeps them away from meee ><
But I hope tomorrow is better for you too! :D *gives you PB&J*
O:!! Curse the lack of money and NEEDING TO GO TO WORK! D:! Buffalo sounds awesome though. O: Makes me hungry for hot wings for some reason. :D
THANK YOOOOU! OMG, PB&J, how did you know?! O: I totally ate like five of those last night. xD I <3 them so.
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Yeah, stupid THING. D: She's okayish. >_> Poor girly still can't be up and moving much but she does anyway. xD My arm's okay too, I'm using the freaking sling like I'm supposed to now so it'll remind me not to punch things with that hand or roll onto the couch with it either. xDDD Since that was JUST SO MUCH FUN AND ALL.
Thankyas :D Ranting is fun. *clingeths* Yeah, today's okayish so far, I'm kinda bored though O: ...xD I have no idea what the time difference is from here to there! It confuses me too, lol. xDD
OMG, I'm jealous O: that's freaking awesome @___@
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That sucks about your ceiling D:
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