Nov 09, 2008 09:52
You know something? Fuck them. Fuck all of them.
Every single person who's given in to cynicism, apathy and boredom. Fuck each and every one of these nay-saying bastards who sit back and criticize anyone who actually thinks they can make a difference or who cares enough to get involved.
It's easy to point fingers and moan about celebrities whilst at the same time flicking onto E-News for the latest Britney crotch flash or extra ounce of fat update.
Oh there's Angelina adopting another baby, ha ha. Fuck off. You'd rather the child die in some shit-hole in Aids infested Africa so you'd be deprived of a cheap comment to make at her expense?
Well, there's proof all around us that making an effort isn't something to be scoffed at but rather can produce some startling results. Look at last week's election, for one example. More people than ever turned out, lined up and made their voice heard. Every single one of those votes counted for something. Not a single one of the lazy arrogant apathetic bastards who didn't vote mattered. Not one. They achieved nothing. All they managed to do was guarantee themselves a seat on the side-lines far away from one of the most historic elections in modern history.
And for every voice that groans at celebrities getting involved, you know what? Shut the fuck up. When John Lennon was asked what he hoped to achieve by staying in bed for weeks in a hotel room in Toronto back in the late 1960's in his 'Bed-In' protest, he replied that he would be in the news anyway, so it might as well be for something worthwhile, like talking about peace or making more people have to discuss the issue rather than what he or Yoko was wearing and where they were drinking. And he was right.
You don't like Bono talking about Africa? Too bad. If even one child is helped or one debt wiped out, then it was worth it. And he knows that. As a former hardcore Christian in word AND deed, Paul 'Bono' Hewson has always tried to live his life with a conscience.
Look at Brad Pitt and his 'Make it Right Foundation'. NOLA is no longer the juicy issue that it once was but it still remains devastated, abandoned and a disaster zone. Brad, through his charity organisation has worked hard to change that and continues to do so. As I'm typing this, the 84th home has just been completed in the rebuilding of the ninth ward in new flood efficient structures, designed by some of today's finest architects and supported by a wide ranging base of contributions and donations of both time and money. This will be the 84th home out of 500 homes which will be given to the people who lost their homes during Hurricane Katrina.
We can m ake a difference. We can change injustice, annoyances and grievances. We all can, but it starts with us making a decision to get involved, begins with our realisation that the 'cool' cynicism of mass-produced bunny t-shirts or sarcastic slogans on coffee mugs doesn't change the fact that there is a whole world out there that we can make a difference in.