Jun 10, 2008 02:56
Buffy's post television adventures continue on as excellent as ever, actually improving as Joss combines the tv personalities and situations with the unique advantages and, indeed, vantage points that comics offer with the unlimited budgetary possibilities of sets, settings and crazy cool big ideas like Dawn being a giant.
Latest issue picks up the consequences of Buffy's sleeping with Satsu in a nice way, with some funny dialogue between Buffy and Willow, a nice glimpse of Will's future and some classic Xander moments, including his relationship with Dracula which gets better with every interaction.
If you love the show but haven't yet sampled the comics season eight- then hop on board. This train is going full steam and doesn't look like stopping anytime soon.
Over in the Spideyverse we see some truly gorgeous art from Martin Marcos who captures the seventies vibrancy a la Tim Sale but combines it with modern sensibilities and story-telling abilities that are amazingly sensitive to detail. Mary-Jane seems to remember more than Peter does about their previous life which is an intriguing tease and despite the new lease of life blown into the comic by shaking up the personal situation, it still reminds us of how much we miss Mary-Jane and Peter as a couple.