Jun 02, 2008 02:40
i made andrew watch women's softball. i was like "no one cares about womens sports and that sucks for women so you WATCH"
god it sucked. theyre all tiny. they pitch underhanded for god's sake. with a freaking beachball sized ball.
they probably got it at the grocery store for 30 cents out of that big cage.
i was talking about how its been sooo long since i've had diarhhea and how i dont understand why. i'm pretty much due. so i was trying to show him something on the computer and it went like this:
"oh god, i gots that rumblies in my tumblies."
"think your gonna get diarrhea?"
"hells yes! it's about time!"
"well show me the tax rebate website."
"ok. man.... its getting pretty intense."
"the internet?"
"no, my stomach, retard. its bubbly."
"what! are you crazy?? i'm not gonna fart! what if i... (and at this point i'm laughin alot)... what if i crap my pants???"
"do it! it'll be funny!"
"no way man. sharting sucks. hahaaaaaaaahahahahaha."
so thats my quote of the day:
"sharting sucks."
and yeah, i took off for the toilet and exploded. it was awesome.
no sharting occured DESPITE andrew's creepy pleas for DISEASE.