Late X-Mas Post

Dec 27, 2008 04:10

NOTE: Ok, so this was supposed to be posted on Christmas Day, but, my parents internet sucks and it wouldnt effing post for some, here it is...even though, this post is kind of stupid


It's MINE. It's the coolest effing Coffee Maker ever. And, it only makes one cup of joe, and I love it. LOOOOVE LOVE IT. I saw this bad ass at my friend Kayla's house, and seriously fell in love with it. I had to ask for one for Christmas, because, I hate making a whole pot of coffee when I will probably only drink one cup. You can also make tea and hot chocolate with it.

I also received:
- K-Cup Carousel
- SingStar vol 2 for PS3
- Prince of Persia for PS3
- MK vs. DC Universe for PS3 (Kollector's Edition)
- Absolutely Everything (complete series of Absolutely Fabulous)
- Clothes
- lots of moolah ($$$)
- Gift Cards from Best Buy, Wal-Mart (UGH, but i'll deal), and Bed Bath & Beyond

I have to say that I have certainly enjoyed my Christmas so far. Being around my family has been a blessing, and something that has eased my stress from working retail during the holiday season.

I hope that the next year brings the best for me....

late post, xmas

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