100 Ways Smabble Challenge, the Sequel

Mar 20, 2012 11:19

In honor of the release of Smallville Season 11 in digital comic book form on April 13, 2012 (print version to be released in May) written by Bryan Q. Miller with interiors by Pere Perez (Batgirl) and covers by the brilliant Cat Staggs (digital) and Gary Frank (print), I say why not honor this news with some porn!  So back by popular demand, it's time for the 2nd Annual Clark/Lois Smabble Challenge.

The challenge is simple, write Clois porn in the comments section of this post.  Usually smabbles are 100 - 500 words, but we kinda broke those rules last time so I just say write all the smut until you can smut no more!  The point is to get those muses back in gear and get our couple to get it on in as many ways as possible.  Last year we actually achieved 75 smabbles, let's see if we can break that record.

The smabbles can be any length (10 words or 1000 I don't care) or genre (AU, Coda, First Time, Established Relationship, Future Fic, etc.) as long as it's Clark Kent and Lois Lane.  You can write as many smabbles as you want and if you feel your smabble is too long for the comments, feel free to post on other sites as long as you link it in the comments of this post.  I will be creating a new post with direct links to the fics as they come in (and I have time to do the linking).  So (again) get as kinky, cracky, mushy, sappy, or raunchy as you want.  Just get writing! GO!

Link to last year's challenge

pairing: clark kent/lois lane, fanfic, 100 ways smabble challenge, fandom: smallville, character: lois lane, smallville season 11, character: clark kent/superman

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