Superman Anniversary Meme - Day 16

Jun 23, 2010 08:30

Day 16 - Your favorite Superman-Era

I would have to go with the Post-Crisis/Modern era.  I prefer that take on the Clark Kent/Superman duality over the Silver Age, but then I also prefer the Smallville take which is more of a combination of all of the eras.  But as someone who is more of a fan of Clark Kent than Superman (which is saying a lot because I adore Superman), then I prefer the stance that Clark is just as much the real persona as Superman is, even if moreso.  In some ways, Clark is the disguise, because he does still kind of put on an act when he's at the Daily Planet or amongst his non-superpowered/non-family peers.  I actually think that the person he is when he is with either his family (the Kents, Lois, Kara, Bruce) is the only time he's 100% himself.  These are the people he doesn't have to hide with.  Diana sees him as Kal, and even if the other heroes know his real identity, I don't think they understand who he truly is.  But his parents, his wife, his cousin, and his best friend/brother know him, and they call him Clark because that's who he sees himself as.  So definietly Post Crisis/Modern Age Superman is the one I love the most.

Plus, seeing as how the Post Crisis Superman is the one I got to know during the Death of Superman arc, and this was the beginning of my all consuming love for the character, then obviously it holds a special place in my heart.

superman, meme, character: clark kent/superman

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