Superman Anniversary Meme - Day 10 & 11

Jun 17, 2010 07:04

I forgot to post this yesterday, but it was because I was too busy trying to get a drawing finished and posted.  Oops.

Day 10 - Precious Moments with Superman

The one that immediately came to mind was last year when I met my best friend (we'll call him E)  in Chicago.  I drove from Memphis and he flew from Florida, so I got into Chicago a few hours before he did so I could pick him up.  When I finally saw him (we were on the phone with each other so that I knew where to find him), I gave him a hug around his neck, but didn't let go.  So he starts walking with me literally hanging from his neck.  We hadn't seen each other in two years by that time, so we were allowed.  Finally we stopped being silly and I let go, and he casually hands me this little box.  It was obviously a jewlery box but I know E and he doesn't give girls jewlery.  But when I opened it, it was a Superman charm on a metal necklace, and of course I immediately loved it.  I think that, more than the iPod he bought me for Christmas the year before, was when I knew he was going to be more than my best friend and now we've been together for almost a year.  Fortunately I get to see him again in San Diego for Comic Con next month.

Day 11 - Your favorite Superman quote (only Superman/Clark Kent, any medium)

I could go comics on this, but I'm actually going to quote Smallville!Clark today.  This quote isn't very profound, Supermanly, or really anything that Clark would say to anyone else, but I loved this when he first said it and it remains one of the funniest quotes from the series, IMO.

Clark (to Lois after the Stiletto debacle): I didn't know there was room for introspection underneath that costume.

Why that quote, Natasha, you ask?  Because I love that Clark could say something like that to Lois and she took it as the joke that he meant it as.  I love that it proves that Clark was looking at more than her face while she was in that costume.  I love that Clark gets to be witty with Lois, which is something we hadn't seen since probably early Season 5 (I maintain it's been since Season 4, but even before that I say Season 1).  Season 8 Clark was the beginning of the revival of the Clark that we knew he could be amongst the drama and angst, and his relationship with Lois had a lot to do with it.  This one quote encompassed everything I love about Clark and Lois' relationship (witty banter, obvious sexual attraction) and the type of person that Lois inspires Clark to be (witty and bold).

superman, fandom: smallville, character: lois lane, meme, character: clark kent/superman

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