Superman Anniversary Meme - Day 08

Jun 14, 2010 21:36

I wasn't in the office most of the day so I almost forgot to post this:

Day 01 - The first time you ever saw Superman

Day 02 - When you became a Superman fan
Day 03 - Your favorite Superman medium
Day 04 - Your favorite Superman comic/title.
Day 05 - Your Favorite Live Action Superman
Day 06 - Number of Superman comics/memorabilia you own
Day 07 - Your favorite Superman related character

Day 08 - The Superman character you most relate to

I would love to say Clark, but I'm not an alien.  I would love to say Lois, but I'm still not that ambitious.  I'm not a clone, the cousin of an alien (that I know of), the parents of one, nor am I an engineer or the niece of one (but my name IS Natasha and I'm Black, so I'm two for two on that one).  But at the risk of being repetitive and possibly arrogant, I will have to go with Lois.  The reasons being:

1) I'm sarcastic/snarky/kind of bitchy but loveable
2) I tend to say some things without a filter
3) I love to eat
4) I can kick your ass at Halo
5) I take karate
6) I'm in love with a(n awesome) geek that is my best friend and it took awhile (4 1/2 years) for him to come to his senses and realize I'm the only one for him, but he finally did.  I don't know if he moonlights as a superhero...but one can hope.

The rest of the meme questions

superman, fandom: smallville, character: lois lane, meme, character: clark kent/superman

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