Smallville Rewatch Project: Episode 1.21 (Day Ten)

Jun 04, 2010 10:28

I actually watched this episode over a week ago.  Which means I'm gonna have to watch, like, eight episodes at once to catch up.  Chore.

Previous Season 1 Reviews

1.21 Tempest )

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The Official Companion1: commentary part II itashee June 13 2010, 16:40:40 UTC
*About Lana

Kristin Kreuk was pleased with the emotional developments in the episode. “I think Lana definitely feels a little jealous during this, and she doesn’t want to be. Clark has known Chloe for a long time, and he’s slowly beginning to see her in a new light. Lana is trying to support him in that, and it’s really hard. I like the way that Smallville has people having to deal with their feelings on their own, and having to overcome obstacles."

*About Whitney

Eric Johnson enjoyed his final opportunity to show Whitney’s tender side. “He and Lana have their little private dance before the Spring Formal, and it’s really sweet and romantic. That’s a side of Whitney I was always trying to tell people about - he’s a nice guy and he likes Lana a lot. The season finale showed a little more of his emotional side”

The scene in which Whitney asks Clark to look after Lana was the last scene to be filmed by Eric as a regular actor on the program. “I channeled my own feelings through in that. We did my close up last. It was really emotional for me. I wasn’t crying, but it felt odd because my character was going off to war, and I was really leaving the show.’’

“Whitney going off to war was something that we came up with in the middle of the season. We didn’t want to kill him, because we potentially wanted him to come back, but we really liked the idea of a noble, heroic send-off” - Miles Millar

*about Lex - Lionel confrontation

Michael Rosenbaum found the climatic scenes at the Luthor mansion challenging to film. He believes that Lex really considered letting his father die after the beam crashes down on him. “At that point in his life, he has almost given up on his father. It was one of those times when he was very close to becoming the Lex that we know he will eventually become. If he had let his father die, it would have been his ‘turn to the dark side’, and just for a moment, I think he was thinking, ‘Screw you, you son of a bitch.’ He forgot who he was.”

“I had trouble in that scene. Sometimes as an actor, you’re missing something. I will not let something go if I don’t believe what I’m doing. If it doesn’t feel believable then I want to do another take. That scene in ‘Tempest’ was the only time that I wanted to do another take for that reason. I didn’t feel as if it was working. I asked John Glover what I was doing wrong, and he told me that ‘the most simple thing I learned as an actor in Acting 101 was to listen and be specific.’ After he said that, I said, ‘Say no more,’ and the next take was magic, because I just listened. As actors, we forget all the time to listen. It’s a basic rule - if you just listen, you’re fine. Afterward I thanked him and gave him a big hug” - Michael Rosenbaum.

*about the spaceship

John Schneider enjoyed the scene because “that was the first time the spaceship gave us information, the first time it glowed. It was our first indication of where Clark came from. When the spaceship lit up, it was the first kind of sci-fi aspect of the legend. I think that’s where Smallville really started to build up a dual head of steam - we’re very normal, yet we’re very sci-fi at the same time.”


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