Smallville Rewatch Project: Episode 1.21 (Day Ten)

Jun 04, 2010 10:28

I actually watched this episode over a week ago.  Which means I'm gonna have to watch, like, eight episodes at once to catch up.  Chore.

Previous Season 1 Reviews

1.21 Tempest )

fandom: smallville, sv series rewatch project, sv commentary, sv season 1

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Episode 21: Tempest (part I) itashee June 13 2010, 16:01:31 UTC
I think that Tempest was a very solid season1 finale and I really liked it.

The highlights of the episode:

1)The moment when Jonathan chases Nixon out into the storm to retrieve the videotape of Clark, and Martha notices that the ship is floating and glowing (it was an amazing scene, which left me hanging at the edge of my seat when I was watching it for the first time 9 years ago)

2)Lionel calling out for help, and Lex considering the possibility of leaving his father on the floor to die…(Michael Rosenbaum was sooo good in that scene, you could clearly see Lex’s hesitation - for the first time Lex faced the dilemma of either letting his father die or to save his life)

3)Clark abandons Chloe at the dance floor to check on Lana and arrives just as her truck is caught up in the twister (a very good cliffhanger; this is also the 1st episode that finishes with the credit "To be continued")

//Conclusions: So the season begins and ends with a natural disaster. I also want to point out that no matter how much I may...dislike the direction that Al and Miles went with Clark in later seasons, they have written some really good episodes.//

I agree.
And now I’d like to say a few words about some really BAD ideas created by Al and Miles, which (THANK GOD!) never saw the light on Smallville..
Ok. I know that we are discussing season 1 finale and it will take us some time to get to season 5 or season 6 discussions. But I wanted to share this info here, because it really pissed me off when I read it in season 5 and 6 official companions.

“HORRIBLE IDEA” number 1: SEASON 5 - Reckoning
Episode-director Greg Beeman reveals that in initial discussions, there were two possible scenarios for the milestone episode; “Either Clark and Lana would get married, for real, or one of the parents would die.”

Clark and Lana would get married for good??? - HELLOOOOO??? What were they THINKING!!!

“HORRIBLE IDEA” number 2: Season 6 - Phantom
Co-executive producer Steve DeKnight reveals that the season finale very nearly had a different ending: “at one point we were planning to have Clark rescue Lana from the bad marriage, and basically, in an homage to [the season two finale] ‘Exodus’, we wanted to replay that moment where he hops on the motorcycle and this time, she gets on the back, and they drive off together, Lex Luthor would then release his remaining 33.1 freaks, and send them to get Lana back. And then we were talking about opening up the seventh season with Lana working at a diner in the Midwest, Clark maybe fixing cars, and then the freaks show up to bring Lana back, and it ends up as the fight.”

Clark maybe fixing cars??? Eloping with Lana??? WTH!!!
I’m sorry, but it really pissed me off - WHAT WERE THEY SMOKING when they came up with this idea???
And I thought that Lana’s arc in season 8 was horrendous… @_@


Re: Episode 21: Tempest (part I) theclexfactor June 14 2010, 14:10:23 UTC


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