Smallville Thoughts (AJ and Checkmate)

Jun 03, 2010 06:58

I remember after Checkmate aired how many people got bent out of shape because Waller said that Chloe/Watchtower was the JLA's greatest asset**. Ok, so Chloe got validated by a big time villain, so what? In Absolute Justice, both Dr. Fate and Hawkman said that Clark was the most valuable asset ("YOU are of value"--spoken with the implication that the others are not and by someone who can see the future) to the JLA because he would be the one to lead the next generation of heroes, he was the hope that everyone had been waiting for. They both mentioned how he wasn't like the other members who either do it for thrills or because they had a chip on their shoulder, but because he feels compelled to help. And then to take it further, in Salvation, we finally have every member of both the JLA and JSA recognize that it is Clark who's opinion and presence matters, even going so far as to argue to keep him on Earth. So I ask who's opinion are you going to believe? A shady government agent or a hero that can see the future?

**So what Clark apologized to her at the end; this is Clark, it's what he does. And technically Waller wasn't completely wrong because in her eyes Chloe had all of the infomation on these heroes, which is information Waller wanted, so of COURSE she would see WT as their greatest asset. Perspective.

fandom: smallville, sv commentary, character: clark kent/superman, sv season 9

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