Yeah, that's Biden getting jiggy with it in the back.
I think I just about died laughing when my sister sent me this in a text. It's even funny with the song playing in the background. They're jammin' all the way to the White House. And apparently stopped to get smoothies on the way. (I don't know what to think about the fact that Obama's hands are attached to a white person's and Hilary's are attached to a black person...that quite possibly makes me laugh harder.)
And if this somehow offends someone...please find something more important to get offended about.
I'm so excited for Tuesday. Watching MSNBC is better than fiction (Smallville being my one exception). Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow have become my daily routine (and how I pass the time at work when I'm bored or simultaneously writing violations on my clients). If you can early vote and haven't...please do. Or, you know, vote on Tuesday, no matter who you're supporting. Let your voice be heard and don't let the 100 years between the ratifying of the 15th amendment and the passing of the Civil Rights Act go in vain. My parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents fought for the right. Women have fought for this right. It's an insult to everyone that fought, bled, and died to get this right for you not to exercise it freely.