Fic: Best Served Cold, Chapter 13 (14/16)

Aug 18, 2008 18:14

Title: Best Served Cold (
servedcoldfic  )
Pairing: Clark/Bruce, Clark/Lex implied
Rating: Adult
Genre: Alternate Universe
Warnings: Violence, Profanity, Sex
Notes: Inspired by "The Authority" and "Kill Bill"
Disclaimer: Superman, Batman, The Authority, and Kill Bill do not belong to me. They belong to their respective owners (DC Comics, Wildstorm, and Quentin Tarantino)
Acknowledgements: Thanks once again to
tmelange  and
supercaptain182  for the beta.
Summary: If he really wanted to give up, he wouldn't have awoken from his four year coma.

( Chapter 13: Heir Apparent)

fanfic, series: best served cold, pairing: bruce wayne/clark kent

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