Ficlet: Vows

Aug 12, 2008 21:22

Vows | 635 Words | Bruce/Clark | Ficlet | AU, Romance | DCU/Smallville | Teen for Innuendo

Summary: I promise to love, honor, and…what else?

Notes: Both of the boys are in their early twenties, and though Clark is an alien, neither are superheroes, Thomas and Martha Wayne are still alive, hence no Batman.  Clark and Bruce met when intern!Clark at the Daily Planet was paired mentor!Lois  and accompanied her on an interview with the Prince of Gotham.  This is a stand alone to a longer story.

I promise to love, honor, and keep you in sickness and in health-

No, don’t say…Can we say something else?

Why not? It's traditional.

Well, for one thing, I've never been sick.  It's like an empty promise.

So, what do you want me to say?

Well, I already know you love me, so you can leave that out for redundancy’s sake.

Oh yeah?  How do you know I love you?

Besides the fact that you asked me to marry you?

I asked you to marry me the first time we met.  You turned me down.  Broke my heart, you know.

I had to be sure the infamous playboy Bruce Wayne was sincere.

When did you know?

You let me eat pie in bed.

That's when you knew?

You’re kinda OCD at times.

All that proves is that Alfred loves you.

You're so romantic.

How about I promise to let you eat ice cream in bed, too.

Then I'll promise to go to those company functions with you.  In a tux, no less.

All of them?  I have to show you off, after all.  I have an image to maintain-I’m kidding!

Fine, all of them.

With a smile on your face.

You're pushing it.

You have a beautiful smile.

Nice try, B.  You already have me in bed.

Ok, then I promise to.... to replace the shampoo when we run out...stop laughing.

I'm sorry.  Yes, that was a lovely vow.  How about...I'll promise not to squeeze the toothpaste from the middle.

You have no idea what that means to me.

Like I said, OCD.

Well, then I promise to be home in time to watch House with you.

Then I guess I have to promise to pretend to laugh at your business partners’ lame jokes.

Damn, that's pretty huge.  So, I'll promise to pretend to be nice to that partner of yours.  But not when she's being mean to you.  That's where I draw the line.

She’s really not that bad.  What about if I promise not to call you any mushy pet names.

Good, then I don’t have to promise to kill you if you do.

You're two seconds from a promise of celibacy during the first three months.

You wouldn’t do that to me…Ok, you would.  How about I promise to listen to your side of every argument before declaring that I’m right.

That's sweet.  I promise to let you think you’re right even when you clearly aren’t.

I promise to pretend I didn’t hear that.

I'm glad we're not doing that whole "love, honor, and obey" nonsense.  Damn, I can't even say it without laughing.

I know one area where you’ll promise to obey.

Promise you won’t say that in front of the reverend.

I promise.

Then I promise to do that thing you like.

With your…?

Every night.

…Then I promise to come home early.

I promise…to be your best friend and to love you with all my heart.

And I promise to love you body and soul until death parts us.



No.  You're not allowed to die.  No one dies; I'm making it a rule of the house.  That goes for Alfred, too.


His pie is almost as good as my mom’s.  He has to hang around like the rest of us.


Look, I had a really horrible…dream about it once.  You’re not going to leave me in a graveyard surrounded by everyone’s tombstones while I live forever.

Clark, what are you talking-

Just…promise to never leave me.  Leave the D word out of it.

Clark, my heart and soul belong to you.  You know that right?  I'll promise to never leave you.  I mean, except on business trips, but I promise to come back.  With souvenirs.

…Then, I promise to leave the porch light on.

fanfic, pairing: bruce wayne/clark kent

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