Ah, the kid gloves come off...the REAL election and the Ignorance (with a capital I) begins...NOW

Jun 12, 2008 21:59

And NO, I'm not cutting it.  Deal with it because I fucking have to.

Fox News...fuck you and your bull shit.

And for those that insist that racism is no more?

And so the tried and true feminists don't feel left out.

Let's talk about how the so-called exhibit for Hilary was NOTHING compared to what that asshole put up for Obama.  I mean, its a well known fact that that a black man is far more threatening than a white woman, but NOOSES? A GIANT BLACK DICK?  NAPPY HEADED HOS?  THE AUDACITY OF BLACK HOPE? The fucking association with Robert Kennedy?  Just...he'd might as well put on a white sheet and call it a day.

So he insulted Hillary's pants suits.  BIG FUCKING WHOOP!  Where were the death threats, the "bitch" "cunt" "straight-haired hos" comments?  He even put up a slogan saying that Hillary was the cure for Niggeritis.

OMG, if anyone tries to pacify me, I might get my glock.  (Cuz Lord knows all black people are violent.)

Art is subjective, my ass.  I'm a fucking artist.  I've been an artist for 17 years.  I've seen political commentary and I've seen racial commentary in art, some I thought was fucking brilliant.  My personal favorite is the one with the black man's silhouette hanging by a noose while a Klansman and a white cop shake hands in the foreground.  Now THAT was a statement.  THAT was art, mother fucker.

I might have even believed it was commentary on character assassination if he a) hadn't put the Obama children in it, and b) hadn't done such a good job listing just about every negative stereotype about black people in his so called exhibit.

And I guess I can kinda sorta understand those of you that are uncomfortable talking about race issues because its a "touchy subject"...but, hell, sexism is a "touchy subject" but I see more issues in that vein posted on LJ and I kinda have a problem with that because its like you're telling me that I should be outraged on behalf of women, but let's not talk about race because we don't want to offend anyone.  News flash: that offends me. 

obama 2008

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