Jul 14, 2009 01:34
Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin. Praises be to the Lord of All Worlds.
Whatever that has happened is a hikmah from Him. Let me remind myself that :):)
My mind, i must say, is in a constant state of turbulence. Always so full of questions and then end up getting frustrated with myself. When i shared with my cousin about my recent encounter, all she could say was i think too much. Speaking of questioning about questions, one of us asked that when are we supposed to draw the line when it comes to asking questions. A person whom i regard as an intellectual reminded us that it's not about whether you stop asking the questions or not, it's about asking the right questions. I agree on that. But i think i take too long sometimes to figure out what are the right questions. We need to be in a constant pursuit of knowledge in order for us to ask the right questions so that we truly understand what is it that we are looking for. My heart is so full of conviction but when I want to speak my mind, the words just fail to justify what I truly feel. I feel sad sometimes when I feel a sense of care for someone, cause all of a sudden, I feel responsible if someone does something or say something that would potentially nudge and even worse, oppose outrightly to the beliefs and values that i have all these while. It's not about you having the same beliefs as me, it's also how you adress our differences that matters as well.
You know, it's okay if you cannot understand a single thing I say in this entry.
All I feel that i need sometimes, is a listening ear, somewhere out there if anyone reads this entry, pray for the best for me :):) and maybe a sincere warm (halal) hug that I can do this and remind me that everything that happens is because Allah wills it to.
I take this incapibilty to handle the situation as a sign of my impatience, that I was impatient to listen to what you have to say. Ah, so much ignorance and weakness that I would have to admit. But i guess it is in this state of ignorance that I feel would be a blessing, because it is a reminder for me to constantly ask for His Guidance.
O Allah, I seek refuge in You from knowledge which holds no benefit, from a heart which is not submissive & humble, from a soul which is never satisfied, and from a supplication which goes unanswered.