Aug 20, 2004 00:45
Today was a good but sad day. Billy and I are rooming together now, we got all of that squared away. Im very excited about all of that. I got online and Gerad was on and he was headed to the mall so I went up there with him, only i hit up downtown first. The problem was, i locked my keys in my car while it was running. i got a coathanger out of George Fish's car and bent it into a straight line except for the end where i had a 90 degree bend or whatever. I had to fish it in through my window, put it through the hole in the key that was in the ignition, and twist hard. I got the car to shut off, i pulled hard my way and yanked the keys out, and was able to pull them through the window. McGyver would have been proud. After all that, I felt I had to get something from downtown, so i got a Dylan poster for the dorm room.
The mall was cool, hanging with Gerad is always fun. B Fresh and Mr. Spawn showed up, and they left not too much after. Once I left the mall Brett and Michael and I got together and had a Gum Remover spray fight. Gum Remover spray is a wonderful but crazy thing. It has the potential to give frostbite. This bitterly cold spray was a lot of fun to spray at each other and on this tennis ball we tried to freeze. We went to Kyle's and he shot a can, and it exploded which was pretty swank except Michael kicked the can, cut his toe, and the coldness got to his toe and we had to bring him in and put it under hot water. It started to turn purple, but he soon gained feeling back, the bleeding stopped, and he still had his toe.
It was great hanging out with them, jamming to music, eating pizza, fondling one another. Im ganna miss those guys like mad. They have been there for me since 2nd grade. I hate saying goodbye to my two best friends, but i know I will see a lot more of them.