Mark is going to be reincarnated as...
A siamese triplet sharing one brain
'What will you be reincarnated as?' at You will die of Envy
You will die from the sin of Envy. You envy practically everyone. Your end will come in a drunken or drugged haze and your insatiable desire to have it all. That, or you'll be shot by the cops trying to break into a celebrity's house.
Which Sin will be your Death? at Tom & Vickie are Proud to Announce the Birth of their Child, Mark, on April 15, 1988.
Unfortunately, Mark is an ugly baby.
Tom & Vickie are disappointed that the birth wasn't a nightmare.
What Did Your Birth Announcement Say? at Mark's Rejected Horoscope:
You will cut yourself on a butter knife causing your friends to make fun of you until you collapse due to loss of blood
'What is your rejected horoscope?' at