One of Those Days

Jan 22, 2009 09:10

So just when I think things are going okay, shit hits the fan. And here I forgot my umbrella. ~___~;;

I've been having a lot of general stress lately. There's Jenova's vet bills, of course; the little brat's worth about $1,000 so far, which is money I REALLY didn't have to spend. For the last two weeks I've also been getting neck cramps and headaches on a daily basis.

For the last four years or so I've been dealing with the fallout from getting my entire mouth done by Western Dental in Turlock -- turns out that my mother's new dentist has gotten so many complaints about them that they can't refer anyone there. Wish I'd known that prior. >_< A couple months back one of my composite fillings broke loose -- a big one, about one third of the tooth -- and just remained trapped between the tooth it had been in and the one behind it. Recently the chunk of filling had been jabbing into my gums every time I'd chew (can I can't just chew on the other side; the teeth on the upper right are super-sensitive to just about everything, from cold to heat to sweets to pressure). This morning I got fucking sick of it, went in there with my handy all-purpose stabby things (surgical scissors), and removed the filling. My jaw hurts.

I'd just finished this up when my mother comes in with a letter in hand (never a good sign) and says she needs to talk to me (also never good). Turns out she'd "accidentally" opened my mail, which just happened to be a letter from the Probation Department in regards to That Stupid Thing I Did that got me banned from Walmart. Thankfully it didn't give any details, but she now knows that I owe the Probation Dept. $800 -- money I definitely don't have -- and is on my back wanting to know WHY, and am I telling her the truth, and I'd better be because we could get kicked off our housing assistance.

And then Delphine knocked my CD player off the desk and broke it.

Have I mentioned I didn't sleep at all last night?

I just... fuck. Can I please, PLEASE have a little time to at least pretend my life doesn't suck? I just got over a huge depressive spell. I'd like a chance to re-acclimate to being not dead before I want to kill myself (or everyone else) again. >____<

*headdesks on repeat*

financial issues, medical problems, bitching

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