Aug 30, 2004 09:32
So apparently I'm a coke head now...very funny....what are you people fucking stupid..apparently you are...I absolutely love how people make assumptions. Oh and I guess I'm a dick now...funny as it may sound yes I am a dick....but only to the people that have fucked with my head in the past year. It's not my fault that I stayed out of contact with people. I was busy...people knew where to reach me...hell call my cell phone....I know all of you have the number, and even if I don't pick up leave a voicemail or something...I WILL GET BACK TO YOU WHEN I HAVE FREE TIME!!!!!...But no all I got was that I dissappeared to go do heavy drugs in if people really think that lowly of me go fuck yourself. I'm tired of the people who fucked with my head or my emotions in the past and I'm not gonna let it happen anymore. So yeah thats it...oh yeah and just a little info...let it fucking die people...