
Jun 25, 2012 10:22

i need to learn how to let things go.
(It's alot harder then i could have thought.)

what the hell is wrong with me.
I keep shit bottled up.

I realized the other day that part of the problem is
possibly that I have a hard time being in a happy place.
really? wtf?
other then being at home most of the time waiting for a job to call me
I have nothing to feel like crap about.
I hate this scary happy feeling.
I've felt it before when I met Louis
and through all the drama we managed to make things work.

My goal this summer is to really start fresh!
I need to re-invent myself to be a better person.
Also a sweet job would be nice and to finally lose that 15lbs I meant to 6months ago.

I'm sick of my old self.
enough is enough. I have to stop being so hard on myself and start being happy.
(these cloudy rainy days dont help one bit.)
today is a new week and time I start fresh and be that cool person I imagined I would be
10yrs ago...
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