(no subject)

Jul 05, 2006 16:44

I really have to work on not zoning out while driving.

This morning, before leaving for CAMP MUSTANG, the most wonderful place with the cutest, most amazing kids EVER, my mom was like, "Dyanne, be careful when you're driving. I had a bad dream, and it's making me worry." So I drove safely. I got to Camp Mustang, drove to lunch at Toast, and drove home without ANY problems...But when I got home, I pulled into the garage, waiting until my car hit the tennis ball that hangs from the garage celing, and pressed the brake. I thought I had put the car into park, but I guess I didn't..SOOoooo when I released the brake, the car kept going and hit the cupboard. Hahahahaha. Now there's a huge hole. Uhhhhh.....Right...good.

Three cheers for Dyanne.

Anyways, about those kids at Camp Mustang. ADORABLE. I don't know why I'm not working there. These kids were just so amazingly cute, and they say the best things. Ahhhhh! Amazing.

Finally got my AP scores and settled the whole situation. I really hope they get to Berkles on time!

EDIT: Alright. I've gotta admit. My dad is adorable. He's basically the cheesiest person alive. For my 16th birthday, he gave me this beaauuutiful hand mirror "to remind me of who I am." And this year, for my 18th birthday, he bought me a beauuuuutiful compass to put on my keys "to be put me on the right path." Corny right? Anyways, for my card, which he titled Daddy's Term Paper: Legally Adult," my dad wanted to email me the "lesson," but after 25 minutes of trying, he failed. So I guess he asked my cousin how to email stuff, and now that he's figured it out, he sends me emails, bad grammar and all. So cute.
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