Jul 01, 2006 01:02
i need models for a couple of photoshoots this summer.
i will be taking black and white manual SLR shots on kodak tri-x 400 speed film.
i will be developing and printing them myself.
AND i will love you forever if you help me out.
the incentives to volunteering as a model:
1) you'll get to hang out with super-cool me.
2) i'll send you scanned jpegs or make prints for you.
3) you'll get to partake in making tasty arts.
4) what else is there to do this summer?
5) i will make you look super hot.
one of my main ideas right now is to get a bunch of pretty ladies (or girly boys for that matter) in nice/fancy/formal clothes and have them lay dead-ish in the city... it should be morbid, gory, and neat-looking. i am thinking about getting fake blood for this too. i am also open to any of your ideas, as long as you let me take pictures of you. :)
please leave your name and your number if you are interested and i will give you a call fo' sho. thanks a ton.