I've been scanning used victoria for parts for my digital SLR. Luckily, Pentax decided NOT to fuck over it's customers when it switched to dig slr, and so most SLR lenses are compatible with new cameras. In any event, I may buy this whole set.
http://www.usedvictoria.com/classified-ad/4007339&category=digital-film-cameras Hopefully at least the telephoto is autofocus compatible. None the less, awesome deal. I need a new lens anyway, something with more f stops (on the lower end range, anyway) so I can take better indoor photos. This would be AWESOME.
Also, as I have said over and over, I'm going to star collecting cameras. So, for my own reference more than anything, here are some I need to remember to keep any eye on.
http://www.usedvictoria.com/classified-ad/4189140&category=digital-film-cameras This is probably too expensive a collection for a university student. I want really REALLY old ones. And older polaroids. this one is just cool because it is a set.