Jun 19, 2004 12:04
Ok so it has been a long long while. Well it's summer now, I'm officially out of school so I'm going to have more time. And this will be a long post.
Ok so school, I got an A on my 6 day Spanish final, but it didn't really count for my grade (an 89.0). The deal I made with my Spanish teacher was if I got an A on my final test (not a final) then I get an A in the class. I got a 47/50 so I got straight A's in spanish. History I'm not sure, Trig I have A's in the class. Band and Orchestra, A's of course.
I have a French Horn home for practicing for Band. I have a Baritone home to practice for Tuba Christmas, I just want to play in it for one year. Nothing like over 100 tuba and baritone players playing christmas music in the city. I have new steel drums! New double tenors, Lloyd Gay pans. They have a different setup so I have to re-learn steel drums, but I will and they sound great.
I've been hanging out with Jamie a lot recently. She's going to Europe for 2 weeks and she gets back at night the day before I leave for North Carolina. So I won't see her for two weeks. Yesterday, I went over her house around 1, we walked to my mom's work and dropped off my mom's shirt. Then we walked to Bill's Music and got guitar strings for her guitar, Pinochios (sp?) for ice cream, and the post office for AOL trial cds for her to use (she's going to make a cool weird mirror I believe). Then we hung out at her house, re-strung her guitar which made her happy, she was painting and I watched her paint this incredibly beautiful picture of a sunset. Like the picture was awesome, but this painting was amazingly beautiful. Then we played a little more guitar, and went back to painting. She's teaching me some painting, so I tried.....it was a little disaterous but she claims it wasn't. But just before that I gave her my present. It was what I called "Jamie's Europe Survival Pack". Christina and I decorated the covers of a spiral notebook, and wrote notes to her. We also got her a disposable camera. Then I made a new hemp anklet since the first one I made for her was eh. I also got her Cake's Comfort Eagle album, and I burned her my Nickel Creek album, and I gave her my full new version of the song I wrote for her. She liked it all which was great. Then we went to see Harry Potter at Muvico but the show was sold out so we bought tickets for the next one. We went to what used to be the Crayola store, which is a furniture store. I called this one sofa, I was like that one has to be comfortable. Most of them weren't, but the one I said was really really nice, but super expensive (like $6000). Then we went into Books-a-Million and just walked around. Harry Potter was good, I'm glad I saw it with her :) and then we got ice cream at Ben and Jerry's. We waited for my brother to pick us up and then I said goodbye to her. It was a great day, I'm really going to miss her a lot. She probably has no idea, but I really will.
Christina also heard my new full version of the song, and she really liked it. She says she has a few connections, so she's going to send it to someone, or she wants to. So that should be interesting.
I'm taking drivers ed, I have 6 more classes, and I've been driving more. It's been good. I'm not a bad driver I promise you that.
CONA is coming up
Life is good......that's an understatement, life is awesomely great
peace out,