Dec 24, 2008 21:47


It's a tradition in my family to open one present on Christmas Eve and save the rest for Christmas morning. The one I opened happened to be a laptop. I've been yearning for a laptop for years, since I've been stuck sharing a desktop that's now like five years old [that's 92 in computer years]. I still have to get it a case and a mouse and interwebs. I didn't even bother asking for a laptop for Christmas, because I figured I'd have to wait until I have a job and buy one myself.

Does anyone know if I can transfer my iTunes library to my laptop without having to reupload each album individually? -not a computer expert- >>

Sealand My sister was being particularly obnoxious about her presents. She pretty much threw a fit over recieving the wrong colour of Uggs, which was her own fault for not giving our mom her Christmas list until after she had already done most of the Christmas shopping. Then she was like "Well, my birthday is in two weeks, so you guys can just get me the RIGHT things for my birthday". I informed her that if she keeps being a spoilt brat, I'll lock her in the storage room she's going to get coal for her birthday. Not only that, it will be the after-Christmas clearance coal. From China, with lead in it.

Regardless, Merry Non-Denominational Santa Day, everyone. <3

fuck yeah, computorz

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