GASUKAN 11.0 <3

Nov 23, 2008 00:19

Today was Gasukan 11.0, which also marks the one year aniversary since my first Gasukan and the beginning of me starting to get actively involved in the cosplay community. And it was pretty much epic.

I cosplayed U.K. from Axis Powers Hetalia. When I was getting ready this morning, I wasn't sure how well the start of my day would go since I found out that I would have to take the bus up to the University of Washington because my dad had to wait around for the cable guy [who never even showed up], and my mom had a hair appointment. I wasn't thrilled over the prospect of taking the bus, partially because I knew it meant I would be getting there late. However, when I approached the bus stop, my suspitions were confirmed that the group standing around in light blue blazers were cosplaying Ouran.
One of the girls: Look, she has a Death Note bag!
Me: You all have Ouran coats!
Them: ... Are you going to Gasukan too?!
Me: YES.

Two stops later, cpardo got on the bus too. So between the group of us, it was considerably easier to find our way up to our destination. We weren't as late as I expected; most of the other cosplayers hadn't even shown up yet. punmasta was there, cosplaying a guy without facial hair.

I didn't have to wait long before chaoticvein showed up as America and we could proceed in being super gay together for 6-7 hours. thechilibird arrived with her as Lithuania. m_cyrus_weiss and Mandie showed up as Sweden and Finland, which was super awesome since they couldn't make it to hang out with us last weekend. punmasta declared that Sweden was an Amestris officer, and I declared that I MUST MAKE AN AMESTRIS-TAN FOR THE LULZ. Some not-completely-random girl came up to me and started criticising my eyebrows. She kept going on about how they're so dark and don't match my wig and I should bleach them, and seemed to be having trouble comprehending the attempts to explain that my eyebrows were supposed to look that way.

pimpyuki showed up and changed into lolita!Italy. Lithuania demonstrated EASTERN FLAVAAA. Photos were taken. I dropped my teacup and mourned it's death while the others looked on and laughed. I suggested we go inside the library to take photos on the staircase, but there was a wedding party taking photos there so we promptly turned around and went back outside. Several minutes later, we were informed that the wedding party wanted to take photos with us. WE ARE IN SOMEONE'S WEDDING PHOTOS. AS HETALIA CHARACTERS.

I went and changed into Angel!U.K., AKA the most ghetto costume ever. Fabulous photos were taken. I changed back into the clothes that involved pants.

We decided to go get dinner, considering that certain individuals had been whining about food ever since they showed up. Sweden, Finland, U.K., U.S. and Lithuania spent like half an hour trying to find Sweden's car, then proceeded in attempting to drive around to find a specific restraunt in an area none of us were very familiar with. There was a lot of yelling and cursing on Sweden's part. We later concluded that this period of time must be one long red blur of rage in Sweden's memory. While America and I clung to each other for dear life in the back seat, we were suggested to make peace with our maker just in case of imminent death.
America: ... THIS IS MY MAKER.
[A relationship I enjoyed explaining to those not familiar with Hetalia at Gasukan.]

We all agreed to give up on trying to find the restraunt that the others were going to because we were all hungry and tired of driving around. We thought about stopping at a place called Burgermaster, but saw that it was really lame looking upon closer inspection, so instead we went to a nearby shopping center and found a noodle bar there.

America kept refusing to put out. I was displeased.

On the bus ride downtown from the U District, some guy on the bus seemed really offended by the Stop The Ducks badge on my bag. We suspected that he may be a Duck driver or something. For some reason, it's easier for me to control my accent when I'm more subdued, so I was doing a better job of it before and after Gasukan than I was when we were actually there. >>

When I got home, I went to return the Tinker Bell wand from my angel!U.K. costume to my mom [because it's actually hers].
Me: Here, I borrowed this.
Mom: ... What's with the Nazi outfit?
. . .
Mom: ... Whatever.
Me: >:[

Preview photo from m_cyrus_weiss:

More photos will be posted when I get them.

fuck yeah, cosplay, dammit alfred, my eyebrows will consume your soul, i abuse lj tags, axis powers homotalia, eastern flavaaa, tea plz, plan a is always sex, Vive la révolution, gasukan

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