What this clearly needs is less pants.

Nov 17, 2008 00:28

So, yesterday I went to Seattle to dork around in Hetalia cosplay. I was U.K., chaoticvein [Sally] was America, roseofmalice [Danielle] was Canada, thechilibird [Karen] was Lithuania, and pimpyuki [Yuki] was Italy. We were supposed to have Germany, Sweden, Finland and Russia too, but Germany made conflicting plans and cancelled the day before [I still don't know exactly what happened there, since I haven't talked to him about anything, let alone Hetalia cosplay, since Kumoricon]. Finland got sick, which prevented Sweden from coming too due to gas money. Russia's cell phone wasn't working, and I was later informed that her mom had disappeared that morning [I don't know what exactly happened there either].

After picking up Canada, we met the others at Westlake Center. It wasn't raining, so there were the inevitable religious fanatics with signs out front. I made innapropriate comments about how we do Christianity in England, involving divorce and guillotines.

Yuki's report on the mall and the trip to the Crumpet Shop is here.

We decided to all pile in the photobooth for a group shot. Those photobooths are obviously not intended for more than two people at a time. I volunteered to be at the bottom so you could see my eyebrows. I ended up on the floor while everyone else freed themselves from that cramped space, and found myself at eye level with America's crotch.

It's kind of amusing that I know half the people who work at the Crumpet Shop by name, and they've been able to anticipate my order for months. They were intentionally not informed that we were going to show up on a Saturday afternoon in cosplay because America wanted it to be a super special surprise.

After Italy had to leave, we went down to the comic store in Pike Place Market to fawn over all the things we couldn't be wasting our money on. I think I do need to waste my money on those Cold War Unicorns though. I've been yearning for those things since June. The first time I saw them, I decided that at the time I needed the Mr. Bacon and Monsieur Tofu more. [Why the hell haven't I just gone to the Archie McPhee store yet?]

On our way down the street, we saw a sign advocating an end to the British Empire. I was very offended by this.

We went to the Harbor Steps to take some photos. After Lithuania's camera battery finally died, we resorted to using mine.

I'm regretting my clothing choice, btw. I did a crap job of binding, and between that and the way the white dress shirt was puffing out where it was tucked into my pants, I feel like it make me look chubby. I don't know why I grabbed those jeans either, because I was already aware that they're not the most flattering pair of pants I own.

I was hanging out with Chuck the unicorn. He became BFFs with the polar bear.

England does not feel like having sex in public.


These are mah colonial bitches u gaiz.

Canada feels neglected.

So we make up for it.

... Until Canada gets NOMed.

We approve this message.

And apparently U.K. approves of America wearing his underwear.


Then we went down to the pirate store so I could get a hat.


America and Lithuania were hungry, so we went to Red Robin, AKA ALFRED'S FAVORITE RESTRAUNT EVER.

Waiter: What type of cheese would you like on your cheeseburger?
America: . . . American.
U.K.: Pffthahahahaha.
Waiter: ... Apparently that's funny? *confused*

We killed some time before America and Lithuania had to take the ferry home.

When we were sitting around in the ferry terminal, some random British Arthurian man asked Canada and I if he could take our photo. As Canada put it, "we let him because he was nice and dressed in a suit".

Upon returning to Federal Way, I was informed that my family was at Outback Steakhouse, so I walked there from the Transit Center. I wasn't even hungry when we were at Red Robin, and now people were trying to get me to eat again. So I ordered something to go and ate it later in the night because I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to get a steak and sweet potato.

Mom: So, who are you supposed to be today?
Me: England.
Me: Danielle was Canada.
Mom: Oh, so that's why you had the polar bear.

I think that's the least explanation I've ever been required for a costume, lolol.

Sibling: I've never noticed before that your eyebrows look like caterpillars.
Me: But seriously, it's because I made them look fuller with eyeliner. [ That's still their natural shape though. >> ]

When I got home, I followed through with that fanart inspired camwhoring I threatened said I would do. Because this cosplay was obviously devoid of pantslessness so far.

More photos to come later, possibly.

FYI, I am doing U.K. cosplay for Gasukan next Saturday. I'm doing the WWII uniform, a pirate outfit, and possibly the angel costume if I can get a pair of wings [or borrow them from someone].

france is the girl in the relationship, my eyebrows will consume your soul, axis powers homotalia, tea plz, crumpets plz, plan a is always sex, i'm not your mom, Vive la révolution

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