Nov 06, 2004 17:32
1. I was born and raised in Imperial Beach, one of the major Meth towns of the world.
2. I've never been outside of California.
3. I lived in a small town near Oakland in Navy housing for 6 months when I was in 1st grade.
4. I have one brother, Bobby, who I love more than anyone on the planet.
5. I get along with my mom pretty well compared to most families.
6. My first crush was Sean Crampton in the 1st grade.
7. The first guy who had a crush on me was Aaron Ferguson in Kindergarden. He always got me in trouble for talking and we were in time out together a lot. I hated him until I was in 2nd grade.
8. My first boyfriend was David Dornan in the 3rd grade. I didn't like him but he asked me to be his girlfriend about 8000 times so I finally said yes and then 2 days later I tried my hardest to annoy him so that he would dump me.
9. I have never dumped anyone.
10. My first best friend was Angel Lopez in Kindergarden.
11. Im a scorpio.
12. I just turned 18 and I'm still a virgin.
13. I was single from the 3rd grade until the summer after freshman year when I went out with Wesley Valdez for 4 days. We hung out outside my house for the first 2 weeks of summer and Sean Mongon made us pretend to get married and Wesley gave me an iron cross ring he was wearing. Lauren Laube and I had fought over him all of freshman year, but I won. Haha, JK I love you Lauren.
14. I didn't have a computer or the internet or even know what the internet was until I was in middle school.
15. My third boyfriend was Cory Newlin, we went out for about 9 months. He was my first kiss. When I found out that he liked me I was shallow and was afraid to go out with him. He was the only guy I was ever in love with. To this day I regret going on a break with him. He's also the only boyfriend that I talk to often.
16. One of the first thing Cory said to me was "Hey Party Girl" in an instant message.
17. Brittnay Lakin was my best friend from 8th grade until Junior year. We stopped talking for about a year, but now we are good again.
18. I betrayed Justin who was one of my best friends through out high school twice. In 9th grade I didn't invite him to my birthday and he stopped talking to me. He forgave me and then in 10th grade I did the same thing and he didn't talk to me for almost a year. Now I tell him everything.
19. In 11th and 12th grade I invited Justin to my birthday parties, but he was too busy to come.
20. I need three hands to count how many guys I have kissed since Cory.
21. I remember all of their names.
22. The first cd I ever bought was The Backstreet Boys self titled in 6th grade.
23. My first concert was Nsync.
24. I went to see Nsync more than once.
25. I was the most dedicated groupie of a band called All Over Your Mom junior year of high school. I went to every practice that they had, knew all the words to their songs, went to all of their parties, and all of their shows, and kissed every member of the band except for Ricky Hank, who smelled like cigarettes and asshole.
26. Bob is the only one of my best friends who has never left my side.
27. Ive never gone without talking to Bob for more than one day, with the exception of a few vacations.
28. I have a love for Imperial Beach stronger than most. Its flaws only make my love stronger.
29. When I was in 10th grade I went to the doctors cuz I thought I had an ear infection. They told me that I had jaw problems and to stop chewing gum. Cory made me stop, but as soon as we broke up I started again and I still chew gum all the time. Now when my jaw hurts I get headaches that make me feel like my eyes are going to pop out.
30. Every guy best friend I have ever had has at one point wanted me to be their girlfriend.
31. In the 10th grade Dave Runkel told me to open the Christmas present that Cory gave me before Cory was around to see me open it. It was a necklace and a CD. Cory was mad at Dave and I for a very long time.
32. Dave moved to Washington after the tenth grade. He had a going away party, but I didn't go. I went to the Del Mar fair with Cory instead. I miss Dave now more than I miss Cory.
33. I had my first sip of beer before I was two years old. My dad thought it would be funny to tell me it was apple juice and ask me if I wanted a sip repeatedly. When my mom came home I think I was asleep and she yelled at my dad. Since then I was disgusted by drinking until I was in 11th grade.
34. I still play the CD that Cory made me for Christmas once in a while.
35. My dad is living in Virginia for 2 years because the military sux monkey balls.
36. The first time I drank since I was a baby was Halloween 2002 at Jim Bob's party. Brandon Bild gave me my first sip and I was drunk after about 3 cups. I made out with Tristan Meyers in the corner of the back yard and and then went home.
37. I haven't puked since I was in 6th grade with the stomach flu. That means that I have never been sick while drinking.
38. Smirnoff Ice makes my back hurt.
39. I liked Tristan Meyers for about 3 years before he was my boyfriend. We saw eachother twice the whole time we were dating and called eachother like 10 times, we never really broke up, we just stopped talking to eachother.
40. I have only been to Warped Tour once. It was last summer, I rode with Bobby and Brandon and hung out with Brandon almost the whole day. We sung Bad Religion and Bouncing Souls together.
41. I had the chance to go to Warped Tour 2 years before that, but I turned it down to hang out with Cory. I was a douche bag.
42. I have a love hate thing going on for Kevin Feldman.
43. Jesse Valadez is one of the hottest guys I know...but he is also one of the biggest assholes I know.
44. When Bobby called me to tell me that Daniel Carroll shot himself I cried for 2 hours and I ditched 2 of my classes to rush home cuz I was freaking out. Then we found out it wasn't true and I punched a wall.
45. When I was a junior in highschool Brandon was one of my best friends. When I found out that there was a chance he may have cheated on Brittnay I told him I had to ask him something and he got mad at me cuz I was afraid to ask. I went to class crying because Brandon yelled at me. Later that day when I was at home Brandon came over to apologize and brought me into my room to talk about it. He told me that he freaked out because he knew what I wanted to ask him and he was afraid of it. He doesn't care enough to do things like that anymore.
46. When I was about 15 Bob and Matt Swagler used to come over and hang out with me in my front yard almost every night. When we weren't at my house we were at Matt's. I would read playboy with Bob while Matt played video games. We never went more than a few days without hanging out with eachother. "Cowbunga till we die."
47. I used to give my friends random things like candy wrappers, or napkins that would say "to: (insert name here) love:Tara" and tell them to keep them forever.
48. Bob still has the napkin I gave him on his wall and Butterball still has a white card that says "Tara is the bestest is the westest" in his wallet.
49. While Ashley was in basic training for the Army he wrote me the most of everyone. I was secretly really excited when I got his letters and I would be so happy I was almost in tears. I always wrote back as soon as I got it. He doesn't know any of that.
50. The last boyfriend I had was John Bastida. He was the only boyfriend I had that I could be doing nothing with and still have fun. We were pretty good friends before we went out and I didn't want to go out with him because of it, but I did it anyway. I went out with him for 3 months. The only problems we had while we were together were him not calling when he was supposed to and him not hanging out with me as much as he should have. We had more problems after we broke up than when we were together.
51. I was one of the Varsity Mariner Football managers for the 2003-2004 season. Bob gave me a ride home after almost every practice. I got to sit in the front everytime unless Cory was there. I was the only manager who actually enjoyed her job and the company of the football players. That was pretty much because almost all of the players were nice to me, while treating the other girls like shit, which might have had something to do with the fact that before I was a manager I knew most of them.
52. I almost broke up with John to date Mike Hemingway and I actually visited Mike on Valentine's day at his work before I went to the movies with John. I don't know why I was attracted to Mike...hes a strange kid. John was very confident that Mike was not a threat, but he was wrong. I never told John that I went to see Mike on Valentine's day and the only other person besides Bob who knew was Taya, because she went with me.
53. I think that Sean Faris, the guy who plays Dino Whittman on "Life As We Know It" is the hottest guy in the world.
54. I miss Matt Swagler more than he knows.
55. I'm one of the few older sisters who enjoys the company of her little brother and shares many friends with him.
56. John at one time thought that I cheated on him with Cory, but when I was with John I was so into him that cheating on him was out of the question.
57. Throughout my entire life I have had trust issues with girls. The only girls I feel I can trust as of now are Brittnay Lakin and Lauren Laube. At one time I thought I could trust Taya, but she made my trust issues worse.
58. Lauren and I fought over Brandon Bild in the 10th grade before I went out with Cory.
59. In the 2 weeks that Cory and I were broken up I was supposed to go out with a guy named Richard Brown...I was definately blinded because I was on the rebound. I hurt him pretty badly when I got back together with Cory.
60. Sean Stephenson is one of the few people I can call at any hour and he will sit there and talk to me about whatever is on my mind.
61. My first punk show was the Casualties, at the Scene. I went with Heather Nisson, Brandon, Jason Jolly, and Bobby and met up with about 20 other people we knew.
62. Junior year I went to the Homecoming Dance with Jason Jolly and he made out with Jade Lara while I wasn't looking. I cried and Brandon yelled at me and told me it was my fault. Aaron Johnsom tried to cheer me up, and even offered to let me ride home with him and Cory and Cory's date so that I didn't have to ride in the car with Jason. I rode with Jason anyway and he apologized to me afterwards, but a few weeks later he was going out with Jade.
63. In 1989 I was in the Loma Prietta Earthquake near the Santa Cruz mountains. I was staying at my nana's house and we were in the living room. My brother was a baby and he was in the bedroom in a crib. Next to the crib was a dresser with a TV and and VCR on top of it. During the earthquake the TV and VCR fell forward onto the floor next to the crib, but if it would have fallen sideways Bobby would have been killed. From then until I started highschool I wouldn't let anyone say the word "earthquake." I made everyone say "E.Q."
64. When I was little I was standing on a rocking chair backwards holding onto the back. The rocking chair fell backwards making me fall forwards and and hit my forhead on the corner of a speaker that was right behind the chair. I had 3 stitches in my forhead and I still have the scar.
65. On my 16th birthday Brandon and Jason came over to hang out with me. Jason told me that he had a present for me in his car, so he took me outside with him and told me to close my eyes and put out my hand. When I opened my eyes in my hand was a Hostess Cupcake (the chocolate ones with the white squiggly line on top) with one candle in it. He sang happy birthday to me and told me not to forget to make a wish.
66. My dad has a 68 Chevelle Malibu that he has been drag racing for about 15 years.
67. I have a pink beach cruiser that I love with all my heart. When I first got it I rode it everywhere I went with Bobby or Brandon. Now I hardly ever ride it because no one rides their bikes anymore.
68. I'm 18 and I don't have a driver's license.
69. The only college I applied to was CSU San Marcos, because my councelor said that my grades were low and that it would be the best chance I had to get into a 4 year college. I currently live in the dorms at CSUSM and am taking 12 units. I come home almost every weekend.
70. One time Kevin was over hanging out with me and Bobby. Kevin and I decided to go to the liquor store so he took Bobby's bike and I took mine. While we were there he told me to watch the sunset cuz it was really nice. We ended up riding all the way to the beach to watch it. The two of us sat on the beach until the sunset was over. It was the first time that I actually had a chance to have a conversation with Kevin without interuption. We talked about surf traditions and superstitions and how IB has changed. Then we walked on the peir together and rode home. I'll probably remember that for the rest of my life.
71. I voted for Kerry but for some strange reason he didn't win.
72. Everytime I go to a Mar Vista football game since I've graduated I get harrassed.
73. I've been friends with Robert Lozon since the 5th grade. He is one of the only people I can call and say "I need help" and he will actually sit down and help me figure out how to do something until it is finally done.
74. If it weren't for Robert I would not have taken my EPT and would not be in a University right now.
75. When I was little I got in trouble for being mean to another little girl and my responce to my parents was "She made me be mean."
76. Bobby used to play Barbies and house with me.
77. I'm a sap for football movies.
78. I was at a forth of July party that my parent's friends were having and the cops showed up to arrest a woman there because her husband who lived a few houses down had a restraining order against her. One of my dad's friends was held in the back of the cop car for not cooperating while another one who was pretty much like family to us was held for being drunk in public. His name was Scotty and when they put him in the back of the cop car I cried.
79. I had a crush on Scotty's son, Branton, but Scotty told my parents not to let me talk to him.
80. I love french fries more than I love life. But I love my dogs more than I love French Fries.
81. The song "Orion" by Metallica doesn't piss me off anymore.
82. I know that most people would disapprove, but I think that Kevin and I would make a good pair. But since that won't happen I would rather just be his good friend.
83. Bob likes to scare me by driving on creepy rodes in the middle of the night with the AM radio on so that it makes crackly buzzing noises. I get so scared that I feel like crying.
84. There are things that Taya told me about Bob that I never told him. When he reads this he will wanna know what they were, but I thats ok because I can't remember them anymore.
85. Brandon's Fiancee Kim hated me for a year because she thought that I wanted to steal him from her. I just wanted him to be my brother again. She recently apologized and now I could probably call Brandon and ask him to hang out with me anytime I want.
86. I still have everything that was ever given to me by Cory.
87. I have never been to a school dance that I enjoyed.
88. I went to prom with John when I should have gone with Sean Brown. I got in a fight with John and Taya at Josh's after party and cried for an hour. Sean and Danny tried to get me to stop. I started making out with Sean before I stopped crying and ended up hanging out with him all night.
89. I liked Sean Brown for the whole last half of senior year.
90. When I graduated I sat in between Sean and Jimmy, when I really wanted to sit in between Sean and Josh.
91. My favorite time to go to the beach is when its raining. I love the weather when it is cloudy and windy and cool.
92. Even though my roomates bug me a lot I love them all.
93. It only took about a week for me and my roomates to be close friends.
94. I'm looking forward to the day that Kelly moves out, only because she is a slob.
95. Two of my roomates dated two of my friends. (Jenn and Steve went out, and Kelly and Ashley hooked up)
96. Ashley's friend Brandon who lives in Kentuky calls me more than he calls Ashley. (that reminds me that I was supposed to call Brandon)
97. I swear like a sailor whether I'm happy, sad, pissed off, or stressed out.
98. The movie Spiderman makes me cry, not because the ending is sad, but because that is the movie that I saw with Cory when we were getting back together.
99. Iv'e never broken a bone in my life, but I've had millions of broken hearts.
100. I miss my brother when I'm in school more than anyone else.