May 02, 2004 22:55
Trust...we give it out everyday and we take it in everyday. It is one of the things that binds friends together for a long time, but can we really trust another human being? There in lies the question. Can we really trust someone else?
"Et tu brute?"-Shakespeare, Tradgedy of Julius Casear
That could possibly be the one quote in the history of literature that accurately describes the ultimate betrayel of a friend. Those words were uttered by Emperor Julius Casear as his best friend, Brutus, stabbed him
"And you also, Brutus?"
His best friend, stabbed him. Why?..."It is not that I loved Casear less, but I loved Rome more"...Ok, so he loved Rome more apparently. He stabbed his best friend because Casear might become corrupt. More or less it was done for materialism. But who can we trust, if someone would just disobey that trust at the cost of material value? That is the question I will let all of you answer to...
" ...Casear, I did not kill thee with half so good a will..."