Last year was better.
She remembers dragging Sam out of the house and getting annoyed when everyone called her 'German Girl' costume 'Bar Wench' instead. Then there was that near-fight with a little girl who had chosen to dress as a dead cheerleader, but eventually they'd had a good time at John's party. Peter and Sasha had been there, and even though Sam hadn't been calling himself her boyfriend at the time, he'd felt like one.
Last year was better because it had been filled with possibilities.
A boyfriend, a new school, a chance to get to know her biological family. It's not that she doesn't have those things now, but instead of being things that she could have, they're all things that she's fighting to keep. Her roommates have been targeted, which means that it's only a matter of time before Becky and whoever else happens to be involved with her pick another target.
It upsets her to have to say no when Peter asks her to take Henry trick or treating. She and Sam both have their costumes, but Claire's stays in a bag in her closet. The last thing Peter needs is for this bitch to start going after his family because of her. It's easier for everyone if she stays away, spends Halloween in her dorm, and tries to figure out what her next move should be. She hasn't even seen her newest cousin yet.
She knows that on some level, this must be giving Becky exactly what she wants. A girl who's willing to kill people who are connected to Claire has to be getting a laugh out of her closing off before she can start pushing. And Claire can keep saying the things that she's been saying; she hates it, it's not fair, this shouldn't be happening, but that doesn't change the fact that it is.
All she can do is eat her candy corn in the safety of her dorm, and hope that everyone else is having a better time than she is. She doesn't bother breaking out the scary movies to try to stay in the spirit, because her life beats every horror movie that she has ever seen.
She's stealing Sam's Halloween hate, and he's never getting it back. The most she can do is hope that everything is taken care of by Thanksgiving. That's one holiday with her family that she's not willing to give up.