Jul 17, 2006 01:16
Umm... There was a girl day... during which Allie, Sara, Maria, Gina, & I went to Outback and then to the Source to shop a bit... Yay for the females and THE CHOCOLATE THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER OH NO! (even though we didn't get it :[) Umm... The next night I slept over Allie's and large amounts of Allie-Lizzy bonding occurred. I <3 her. Umm... yesterday I returned from Allie's and my mom had a bbq. Robin, her family, and some of Brian's friends came over. It was really fun. I hopped on a train in Wantagh and went to Rockville Centre to see dun dun dunnnnnnn LUX NOVA at Vibe Lounge. It was awesome seeing Chris and DJ up there. They were really quite good, and their enthusiasm came across and made hem so much fun to watch. After that much hanging out occurred in the forms of pizza, watching the other bands, and D&Dness. Later Gina, Erik, Liz, Maria, Chris, Dan, Sean and I went out to Chris's house. I drank and smoked and ya it was a grand ol' time. Swimming and running about was quite fun. They shot each other with BB guns and I abstained but was mildly amused by it. I slept there and left early in the morn with Dan & Maria. I made breakfast this morning, wrote a peom I'm pretty proud of, read a bit, played with the cats, played Katamari.... it was an uneventful but really nice day. :]