(no subject)

May 30, 2008 03:13

I'm surrounded by friends at work, and am dating a girl who is completely in love with me. Every second of every day is spent either sleeping, working, or hanging out with her. I love people, and am constantly with people who like me... look up to me... encourage and go out of their way to make life for me better.

Yet, as soon as the summer ends, so too do those things, and because they are temporary, I find myself lonely...wishing that I were spending this time doing something that would be more permanent...working at a job that I plan on staying at, with friends that I want to keep close to for life, and with a girl that isn't just my girlfriend, but someone that is also my best friend and that I can do anything with.

I want to sit in my car with someone and just sing out lyrics to armor for sleep, or hang out in my room on my days off playing brawl with someone that is enjoying the game as much as my company, and at night, when I go to sleep, I want to feel like I accomplished something...made some headway towards a better life and a future.

I look back at the four years I have spent since I graduated, and I realize... so many things. Life is beautiful... and far too short to spend thinking about the bad things.

So few people are happy with their lives. I hope that at least one person reading this, any one of you... can be happy.

On an unrelated note.. I now own a Wii and Brawl. :)
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