(no subject)

Sep 28, 2006 21:54

Do you every have a day that makes you revaluate your whole exisitence?

My whole life got scratched out in black and white today ,

it all started with one of those survey calls, but it wasnt just any call it was over an hour long...I humored the girl, I mean I really feel sorry for those people..thats really hard, to keep a stranger on the phone that long asking them highly UNinteresting questions..plus she was super nice. So anyway, the questions were something along the lines of
what newspapers have you read in the last two months? my answer: uuuhhh none

and then the fun part..she proceeds to list off every newspaper in the area, which might i say..wayyyy toomany

so then its like. what do you do for a living ? and how much do you make? do you plan on buying furniture in the next year? what kind of car do you own? do you own or rent? What bank do you use (insert list of banks lol)? And so on...

so after this call I was like
okay..so I dont have a bank account because I filed bankruptcy...I dont own a house. Im not even married. But i have a kid. I work only part time. Ive never went out of country.i our household imcome is like wha..poverty  ? ..I mean the list goes on and on of how fucking shitty my life is...
And PLUS today I couldnt find a single fucking piece of clothing that fit me, either too big or too small..but really the majority just have yucky baby stains all over them.
And the house is a fucking mess, I have done shit for the last 2 weeks because ive been working, and so fucking overwhelmed that i feel like just completely shutting down, just turning off and not turning back on..im so done with my life...I have too much shit, I want to simplify and start over, I want to get rid of everything I own and get a few nice things....
i know that there are billions of people out there with lives a trillion times worse, but Im having a pity party so eat me.

I feel very....unfulfilled with my life today...
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