okay so its been forever and a beaver since i've posted. But HI EVERYONE! im still alive, just trying to keep up with Kaden, thinking about getting a job and leaving for florida in a week! yay!
Im a little stressed about the flight there, I mean, first off i've never even been in an airport, I dont have a fear of flying at all, but I am totally freaked about getting lost and missing my flight or something. Plus the big worry is Kaden, I mean taking a 1 year old on a plane is gonna be a pain in the ass...we leave at 6:15am our time and get there at 4:30pm Fl. time, so its like a six hour flight, with one 48 minute layover in Huston. Plus, we have to take the unbrella stroller, the big stroller, and the carseat. Plus luggage.
Im totally gonna find a way to sneak a joint with me, Im gonna be with my mom for a week and I dont think muscle relaxers are gonna cut it lol.
Bryan was gonna party it up that week but they gave him 45 hours, so hes gonna be working the whole time.
Kaden is driving me nuts today, hes whining about everything and running around the house screaming "BABA BABA BABA MAMA MAMA MAMA BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE KITTY!"
he knows hes going to get a hair cut today and he wants to leave now! lol
Anyhows, I miss all of my friends and people need to start calling us to hang out, we'll just get a babysitter or something, its all good.
Anyhows, I guess thats all i got for now, maybe ill start posting more on here (:
oh wait, I forgot..my happy little fantasy