if ur wondering where that stupid title came from, it was just the commercial that was on
im watching VH1, and this show ive never seen
its about Tommy Lee going to college and its pretty damn funny
makes me repesct him about this || much more, which is nice.
lets see friday; went to the movies, quite fun
today; absolutley nothing and i wouldnt have it any other way cuz my mom went down to the stress-filled
city to see my grandma and my dad rode 8 hours to get my sisters crap from college
tomorrow; i have to go into the city again which is going to be awkward because its my grandmas birthday
idk how old shell be but its weird to think shes on her death bed and we couldnt even start to remind her its her
birthday- that would be very upsetting for her.
Im predicting that shell die tomorrow, not trying to sound all happy go lucky or anything, thats just what i was thinking.
well back to my show i guess???
but first i will leave you with this because i love these new found pictures of Queen and im sure you will too! Itll help
cheer you up if my post just really depressed you.....
ive seen these before a while back but forgot how much i really LOVE them.
oh and for all my slashy friends out there, a lot of them are very very slashy if u look close enough : D ; ) ; )
good to make some nice icons like u guy like to do
Type your cut contents here.----ok.....
sing with my everyone
must be EEMOO
aww mr. may and mr. may
what a homely, messy kitchen your sporting there mr. may!
brian may, a celebrity amoung others
ooo la la id tap thatttt
for all the ladies
i see that hand mr. may!!!,, and so does roger, and he approves
hahahaha on the set of IWTBF
shit! i almost stepped on it!
thats my favorite one right there, <3
its odd to think of what happened to brian around the 1991 era then see this har hes wearing : S
so fucking hottttt
and we'll leave on a great note
love that picture, its almost as good as the IWTBF video
also wish i had those glasses!
goodnight and good luckkkkkkkkk