OSC is full of shit. Assuming no settlement, the judge will decide whether or not the lexicon contains sufficient original creative work to justify fair use of Rowling's intellectual property, and possibly also whether some of the use was authorised by Rowling and/or Warner.
Maybe OSC has a different opinion than the judge as to what constitutes fair use, in which case he can wait for the appeal. Maybe the judge will agree with OSC. By the sounds of it, OSC's opinion of the law is sufficiently strongly held that it won't be swayed by anything so trivial as a court ruling.
For OSC to say that Philosopher's Stone steals the plot of Ender's Game, is pretty pathetic. "Kid with special abilities wins out over evil with the help of a mentor, a training montage, and the power of friendship"? He's saying he invented that plot and Rowling must have taken it from him? Muppet.
"On the stand, though, Rowling's chief complaint seems to be..."
I'd have thought that the text of her complaint would be a better way to judge what her complaint is, than one or more quotes from her testimony.
"don't forget the lawsuit by Nancy K. Stouffer, the author of a book entitled The Legend of Rah and the Muggles, whose hero was named "Larry Potter.""
Apparently OSC has forgotten it. A couple of minutes research and I suggest that Larry Potter in fact does not appear in The Legend of Rah and the Muggles.
In any case, to cite the Stouffer case suggesting that it proves Rowling stole material herself just demonstrates OSC doesn't know what he's talking about. As others have commented, Stouffer's case was dismissed with prejudice and she was fined for attempting to defraud the court.
"[Rowling's] suit was utterly without merit from the start."
If that were true then it would already have been dismissed. Although maybe OSC is using "merit" casually as a personal opinion rather than in its technical sense.
Maybe OSC's "chief complaint" with Rowling is actually the bit about her "wanting credit for being very up-to-date and politically correct" with the gay Dumbledore thing. Certainly my chief complaint with OSC is that he thinks gay marriage will be the end of civilisation, so the up-to-date ship has pretty much sailed without him. Jealous much?
Maybe OSC has a different opinion than the judge as to what constitutes fair use, in which case he can wait for the appeal. Maybe the judge will agree with OSC. By the sounds of it, OSC's opinion of the law is sufficiently strongly held that it won't be swayed by anything so trivial as a court ruling.
For OSC to say that Philosopher's Stone steals the plot of Ender's Game, is pretty pathetic. "Kid with special abilities wins out over evil with the help of a mentor, a training montage, and the power of friendship"? He's saying he invented that plot and Rowling must have taken it from him? Muppet.
"On the stand, though, Rowling's chief complaint seems to be..."
I'd have thought that the text of her complaint would be a better way to judge what her complaint is, than one or more quotes from her testimony.
"don't forget the lawsuit by Nancy K. Stouffer, the author of a book entitled The Legend of Rah and the Muggles, whose hero was named "Larry Potter.""
Apparently OSC has forgotten it. A couple of minutes research and I suggest that Larry Potter in fact does not appear in The Legend of Rah and the Muggles.
In any case, to cite the Stouffer case suggesting that it proves Rowling stole material herself just demonstrates OSC doesn't know what he's talking about. As others have commented, Stouffer's case was dismissed with prejudice and she was fined for attempting to defraud the court.
"[Rowling's] suit was utterly without merit from the start."
If that were true then it would already have been dismissed. Although maybe OSC is using "merit" casually as a personal opinion rather than in its technical sense.
Maybe OSC's "chief complaint" with Rowling is actually the bit about her "wanting credit for being very up-to-date and politically correct" with the gay Dumbledore thing. Certainly my chief complaint with OSC is that he thinks gay marriage will be the end of civilisation, so the up-to-date ship has pretty much sailed without him. Jealous much?
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