Aug 01, 2009 14:00

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Yoshiya 'Joshua' Kiryu, 2/? bookworm12890 August 24 2009, 19:40:43 UTC
For some reason, missions stop coming, so Joshua takes Neku on missions throughout town searching for something. Eventually, Neku makes Joshua tell him, and he learns that Joshua is planning to take over Shibuya by killing the Composer, the one who is in charge of the Reaper’s Game. They make it to the Shibuya River, where he lives, but it was warded so they couldn’t get past it.

Previous images of Joshua merely seeing Neku at a mural when he’s scanned has now changed. Neku now sees Joshua running at him and shooting him, making him believe that Joshua is responsible for his death. Joshua does not deny this. On the final day of the week, they fight the Game Master, Sho Minamimoto. Before fighting him, Neku sees a longer scene in his memories- Joshua was running towards him, but shot at Sho, who was behind Neku. Sho then raised his gun and shot the very confused teenager, who at this point thinks Sho killed him. They fight, and Sho prepares a final move to destroy them, but Joshua jumps in front of Neku and shields him from the blast.

At this point in the game, Joshua is assumed to be dead (more than he would normally be). However, he merely transported himself to an alternate dimension for a week to bid time until he returns at the end of Neku’s third week, and reveals that he has, in fact, been the Composer the entire time.

Flashbacks go and show us that Joshua was planning on destroying Shibuya, but his Conductor pleaded with him to reconsider. Joshua then proposed a Game- if it could be proved to him that Shibuya was worth still having around, then he wouldn’t destroy it. He said he would give the Conductor a month, and would place a proxy in the Reaper’s Game- that proxy was Neku. (The full scene of Neku’s death is given back to him. After Joshua shoots at Sho, Sho shoots back, but Joshua stops all the bullets before they hit him. After Sho runs away, Joshua shoots Neku.) Neku won the Game, so therefore Joshua won, and he was going to destroy Shibuya. This made Neku not happy at all.

Joshua offered him one final game. He would give Neku a gun, and would count down from ten. Whoever fired first one, and would get to decide what to do with Shibuya. Even when really pissed off, though, Neku couldn’t bear to shoot the only person he felt that understood him, so Joshua shot him. Again. Neku wakes up in the middle of the Scramble Crossing, reincarnated and back to life with all his friends with Shibuya still intact. His growth affected Joshua, and so the Composer decided that Shibuya was worth something after all. He gets scolded by Mr. H, and then he ends up here. =D
Personality: Joshua is, as Neku so eloquetly puts it, a ‘jerkface.’ He’s arrogant, condensending, and really doesn’t seem to give a damn about anyone. He is clever, and uses it to manipulate people. Most of the time they don’t realize they’ve been used until it’s over. This is partly because he rarely gives a direct lie- he just knows what conclusions people will jump to if he says the right things. He can play innocent until the final moment, even though most people can tell before that he’s at least up to something.

He has a bit of a superiority complex and he feels like people are pawns to be used or toys to be played with. He places himself- and, indeed, is sometimes placed by others- on a pedestal higher than normal people. He rarely gets attached to people and even less often would admit it, because he’s so cynical about humankind as a whole. Joshua hardly ever shows that he cares, but his special way of doing so is by being an extra-big jerk and teasing the hell out of whoever it is. He does, however, push them them to improve- though hardly anyone ever likes how he does. He forces people to think and grow, which is good for them, but with his normal jerky nature it makes him seem like a horrible person. (Which he is, really, but.) There is a soft streak for anyone who puts up with him long enough, and he is capable of changing when given reason. He’s just pretty content with the way he is.


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