Occultation of the Pleiades by the Moon April 17.
On the evening of Saturday April 17 the waxing Moon will pass in front of the beautiful Pleiades star cluster. Unfortunately, the best views are at or shortly after civil twilight, half an hour after sunset, it will be best to watch this event with binoculars or a small telescope. In Australia, the north-eastern states have the best view. Sydney see a graze of bright Taygeta at 6:06 pm AEST, and Brisbane will see bright Atlas covered at 6:17 pm. Everywhere else the Moon has passed all the bright stars by the time of civil twilight. No matter what, as the sky darkens, the sight of the thin crescent Moon just above the Pleaides, with bright Venus nearby, will be truly stunning.
I will try and get some piccys!!! :)