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Oct 20, 2009 14:28

     "Subatomic particles apparently de- and rematerialize fairly routinely," Dr. Dannyboy has written. "Some of them actually can be in two places at once. Their freedom from the normal confines of the space-time continuum is thought to be the result of a weird electricity, an intelligent, creative, playful, and unpredictable interaction among oppositely charged entities in motion." On at least one occasion, Dr. Dannyboy has described those energized particles as "fairies," and, unfortunately, there is doubt that he was speaking metaphorically. But, again, he is Irish and, moreover, has swallowed in his day a lot of drugs.
      At any rate, Dr. Dannyboy continued: "We ourselves are built of subatomic particles (and the spaces in between them), and our organisms are elctrically as well as chemically powered. Our cells, or something that occupies our cells, transmit an electrical pulse. When we breathe, bathe, eat, make love, and think the way that Kudra and Alobar did, we alter the cellular amperage until we find ourselves vibrating at the frequency of the eternal: immortality.
      "When interrogated about how they can walk through flames without being burned, 'primitives' have conveyed to anthropologists that they raise the vibratory level of their flesh to equal that of the fire. In like manner, then, an adept might raise - or lower - his or her vebratory rate to match that of another dimension, thereby disappearing from our customary universe and popping up in the other: dematerialization."
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