Sep 27, 2005 22:16
I just watched 21 grams. If you watch 21 grams, this will make more sense I think.
21 grams was amazingly emotional. We all assume we have this grasp on life when really we are floundering in the void in between beliefs and laws that we create about everything. There is math in life and there is some very complex shit. But like limits they always go for something no matter what territory you have calculated or how far you go there is still infinity until you get to the…well, not the end.
I cannot fathom losing my spouse and children. Having to live in that home having every single thing remind you of that. Like after you cook bacon or garlic. The next morning the smell is there…but this kind of thing never dissipated and it has to be crippling. People boil it down to moving on or not moving on. There is no moving on. But we have to keep living for their memory.
For those of you that have lost someone I am wrecked inside for you. Don’t let anyone ever say they understand because they cant. And never let them give you advice and take it. But do take heart, for the one that died has left true, but as cheesy as it sounds a person exists even when they are gone. For example I know JFK and I have never met him nor has he been alive. I know who Jesus was and we don’t even know what he looks like. If someone you know leaves on a trip you still recognize the fact that they still are a person. The same as in death. There are gone. The memory does not keep them alive but does the thought of a person who is alive and just gone feel any different. Those residual thoughts of them exist in the same way. Therefore they cannot be forgotten just as someone who leaves the room you are in cannot be forgotten.
These are times of you life to explore, learn, expand, and live. I love college because I am safe to think and be and realize and live. I thank my parents.
There are a lot of things in life that humans put a lot of effort into that hardly anyone fully understands. Emotions are the most focused on thing ever. Love, hate, angst, anger, lust, ecstasy. Music movies, stories thoughts time money effort. How can you know what it is like to take a life? You hear it all the time in movies and such you always see them hesitate or not or whatever. But you can’t know anything until you have been there. Just like love. You can’t tell me shit about love unless you have been there. Maybe that’s bold and maybe that’s idealistic.
Noble conquest?
We waste our lives. Even in the most noble of aspects. What noble task is there? Does one exist? Do we create these noble occupations; doctors and child rearing because there is no true answer? Do we do the same thing when we cling to god and Jesus because being alone it too much to bear?
Make someone feel think and live. These are noble maybe the fake answers don’t matter maybe questioning is harmful. Maybe truth like bliss comes through ignorance.
Is creation noble creating a painting an idea, an item, a solution? Is helping others noble. It all ends. But what you do defines who you were here.
Have you ever truly wrestled with not being sure about an answer? All my life I have been unsure on tests and everything. But I never really cared. I checked but I never really cared. But the truth I search for in live is what I care about. That is all there is. I mean what else can you have. But the truth isn’t right there. It isn’t an a or an f its just a question. And the only answer is your own. Will I ever find it? Does it matter?
We love and live our lives never think in about what might happen what might be stripped… Be stripped like it is some outside force. Maybe we tend to call it that because it is another thing that we as humans don’t understand.
Random Thoughts:
Long ago I thought that god was Santa and maybe as I think back on it is less ludicrous than I once thought I had been.
Most of the time I hate being alone. Have you ever sat in silence? Just listen to the nothingness it drowns everything else out.
Understanding is one of the greatest feats one can accomplish.
In life you have plans and sometimes it all works out but sometimes they got to SHIT and sometimes you know the plan wont work out, but you still hope in it.
(Responses are always welcomed)