(Continured form the last)

Aug 01, 2005 01:15

The golden rule, I don’t think of it enough. It should be the code we live by. Man has an inherent self-preservation and selfishness to them. They always want what is best for them. Therefore, if you treat everyone how you wish to be treated, you will be happy and so will they. I want other people to speak their minds. I want others to listen to me. I want other people to think about what it is I have to say. I want respect. I want people to do what I say if I have just cause. And that is how I should treat people. The problem with the rule comes in when people want to be treated differently than another. For example, an older person may want a younger person to do what they say because they are older and they say, without any back talk. Now I do see the reason for this. Usually people that are older know more things than a child can understand, but I think that no matter how frustrating it is you need to find out a way to reason with a child (sometimes this is not possible. I know this. But listen like you want to be listened to. Now I believe that as a 19 year old I can make my own mind up and think for myself. But wouldn’t every 19 year old. At different times in life people change their views. That is where conflict comes in. People at different ages cant really understand each other well because there are at completely different places in life. The only thing that can transcend this is maturity or immaturity of a person

I have faults. So do humans it’s a part of life. The only point in life at which you cease to be of your worth is when you stop trying to find and either come to grips with or fix them.

Men are basic. We enjoy things and we dislike things. Rhythms and exploration excite man no matter what.
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