
Aug 06, 2005 02:07

437 more lines of Code today. I figured out internal links and that felt very good, turns out I was able to reuse to old code that I had done for a project, worked perfectly. I can now add words to the dictionary! Adding is about the most complex operation, deleting is easy and editing is really a convinience function for adding, so the hard part of that is done. Searching is cake (it's also fast. The way this thing is designed, it would take the same amount of time to find a list of words in a Dictionary with one word as it would in a Dictionary of 3 trillion entries. It's pretty slick.

So is Harry Potter. I'm about half way through, and I like it so far. The book seems to be flying by much too quickly, it hasn't picked up enough and it's already half over. But it's good. I left it on the Dining Room table, because I knew if it was by my bed, I'd never get to sleep tonight.

Holy Trash it's 1:57 on Saturday morning. See, I woke up this morning surprised that it was Thursday already, because man it sure felt like Wednessday. Where has this week gone? It's Friday today (now Saturday) and I leave in only a few short days to go to Arizona. I'm really excited to see my friends, and frankly I could use the break, but the trip marks the end of my summer. Once I come back, I've got applications to sort through, Shanna is staying over, O-leader training, moving back in, interviews, books, financial aid, and a thousand other things. It's why I've been pushing the Dictionary, I want to get something productive done. I've already written 1173 lines of untested code. Still, only took 3 days, I couldn't do that during the year. Testing I can, major writing I can't. And writing is like reading, it's not good to do in short spurts. When you read, you read more than one chapter at a time. When you write, you finish a method at a time. Reminds me of Myst and writing ages. Reminds me of my book too. I would have liked to get more done on it this summer, but I am well pleased with what I has gotten accomplished with it. The Oati are much more developed (and they're way cool) as is the history and culture. So are the characters. I understand the farside of Alohaii now, and I've written some really good conversations. Were it an option (and it might be if I find a way) I'll take a few years off once I get out of school and write the thing. I can't wait very much longer. It needs to get written. And I'm beginning to approach the point where I'd feel okay with that. I'll have a good enough history by then, and the language will be written. I'll know Alohaii better, and my other characters. It's not too bad an idea. And I don't want to wait till I'm off in life with a family and a job and all that jazz. Great things can be done later in life, but this is something that needs to happen earlier. It will probably take me a few good years to write it anyhow. I can never agree with myself about whether it is a short of a long book. It will certaintly be shorter than Lord of the Rings. If I had to guess, it'll end up in the 5 to 7 hundred page range, leather bound, old-looking. 'Of ArahnEl' And I look forward to the friends who will stick with me till it gets there, and gets done. Freshman year I found out I'd be writing this book and I told God he was crazy. It's been two years and I couldn't be more thankful. Still, it is something I watch with interest.

Enough. It is high time for sleep, dreams, and tomorrow.
Good evening.
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