On Monday, April 26th, 2004 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 I will not be available.
That means I will accept NONE of the following:
- Phone calls on my cell (you can leave a msg at home, but I'm not going to check them until Tuesday)
- Emails
- LJ stuff
- Chats from hotmail on my phone
- Morse code
- Air Mail
- Messages in Bottles
- Rocks with papers tied to them with rubber bands
- Telepathic messages
- and such and such
However, there ARE as there always are, going to be exceptions. I am not completely heartless, so here are the following situations where I will accept phone calls:
- Someone important to me or anyone I consider to be a close friend dies. But that someone better be DAMN important!
- A family pet dies.
- You win the lottery and have decided to pay my VISA bill for me.
- The crisis to end all crisis' has happened to you.
- For girls: You're pregnant. There are many clinics around Ottawa you know.
- For guys: You got someone pregnant. Go with her to the many clinics around Ottawa.
and finally,
- You've lost the will to live, which in that case I will defer you to some professional.
Just to give everyone and anyone who knows me who will be in the Ottawa area during that period of time, so please do not be insulted if you see me on the street and I:
- Don't see you.
- If I do see you, don't stop and talk to you.
- Only offer a wave as a hello.
However, yes there is another however, if this is a DIRE emergency, the emergency to end all emergencies, and I am not picking up my phone or calling you back, here is where I am going to be throughout the day:
- 8:15 -- Vet appt for my sweet, beautiful golden retriver Cinnamon
- 12:15-1 -- At the gym
- 2:30-3:30 -- 46 Cartier St
- 3:30-4:30 -- Lunch somewhere
- 4:30 on -- Home possibly, but that doesn't matter since I'm not going to pick up the phone or answer the door bell unless my house is on fire. I say possibly, with the chance that at
- 6:00-7:00 -- I might be at the gym again. Otherwise I'm home.
This is strictly emergencies only. I will not tolerate "joke" emergencies and what not. I understand that as of now, Saturday, April 24th, 10:58 am everyone is just peachy-keen, so there is no need to call me, because I am not.