(no subject)

Apr 17, 2007 22:06

I just wanted to weigh in on something.

I have seen in the news media today that the world thinks we're dummies for having the gun laws we have. In light of the massacre at Virgina Tech, it would seem that, yes, we need to control the guns in the country. Absolutely.

The problem is that you can't control them. No matter how tight you lock down the guns, the wrong guy will get them. Laws only work if everyone follows them.

Britain and France and Mexico and Australia talk so high and mighty about how they have reduced crime by not allowing guns. Fantastic. Way to go. I just want to point out, for those that aren't following, that this is the United States. Things are really fucked up here. We can't (won't) stop an endless stream of unregistered people from flowing into this country. You think you can stop illegal weapons, which are much easier to hide? Most violent gun crimes involve weapons not manufactured nor sold in the US, and are mostly outlawed (i.e. AK-47s, Mac10s, Tec9s, all full-auto weapons) or were not purchased here, and funneled in with the drugs we can't (won't) keep out either.

There are literally millions of illegal, unregistered firearms in this country. You think closing gun stores and taking away people's personal firearms is going to solve the problem? No fucking way. My handgun (Properly stored, properly trained, legal and documented, mostly recreational, also home defense) has not as of yet saved my life. And the odds of me A) being in a situation where I would need it, and B) having the upper hand and the ability to effectively use it, are decidedly slim. But you know what? Taking it away from me is not going to make me any safer.

Taking away guns just makes it easier for the criminal element to do what they do. they don't have to resort to guns. They can hold you up with a bat. Chris rock said it best:

"Don't go to parties with metal detectors. Sure, it feels safe inside. But what about all those niggas waiting outside with guns? They know you ain't got one."

Restricting gun sales, repealing ownership rights, and generally taking the fun out of firearms does not show that you care about your people. It shows that you don't trust them, and think they are dumb(Yes, I do think the majority of our fellow human beings are dumb, but you're not supposed to show them you think that). It also shows you're not willing to properly enforce common sense laws about TRAFFICKING guns, not SELLING them, and not willing to set good examples by seriously punishing those who abuse guns. Our criminal justice system is a whole separate rant I could go off on, but i think that outside of justifiable homicide (LA RS 14:20&22), murder by firearm should be a death sentence. You take a life, yours is forfeit. I think that would do more to curb gun violence than anything. It's little pricks with big guns that get a few years in a clean, warm, well fed environment behind bars that make it so glamorous.

I have now spent enough time typing for my bile to settle some. In closing, fuck you hoity-toity pricks in other countries. You think we're full of gun crimes because U.S. news is all over the world. It doesn't sound so bad in your neck of the woods, because we're too busy sorting our own shit out to pay attention to yours. Stop watching us like it's a god-damned soap opera, and mind your own fucking business. I'll be here, cleaning my .40, while you guys continue pussifying your countries into a debilitated state, overrun with 10 cent thugs holding you up with a board with a nail in it.
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