"Promises Unbroken, A Love Kept" (Primeval)

May 24, 2009 08:20

Fandom: ---Primeval---
Characters: Abby, Connor, Captain Strong, and three soldiers
Story: "Paid in Blood: Promises Unbroken, A Love Kept" (Part 2/3)
Rating: M
Warnings/Spoilers: swearing, extreme angst, violence (1,681 wc)
Theme music: "Death is the Road to Awe" by Clint Mansell from "The Fountain"
Author's Note: This was written ahead of schedule to help answer mostly everyone asking me, "What happened to Connor?" I'm glad to have written this so it is no longer in my head. To sum the story up, Captain Strong holds a grudge against Danny for an occurence back in Bosnia, 1995 and has joined forces with a Miss Preisner who wishes to sell the baby pyroraptors overseas and breed the others. Captain Strong's mission is to capture the baby raptors and kill Abby, Connor, and Danny so that they cannot find them again. Strong has his own agenda, however.
P/L: Is Connor willing to sacrifice everything to protect Abby from death?

Inside the storage room, Abby pressed against the door. Every agonizing cry of Connor sent a jolt of pain through her on his behalf. She could almost see the four soldiers surrounding him. What fear Connor had to have right now! Surely a giganotosaurus would have looked less terrifying by these standards! Desperately Abby wanted to be beside him, fighting these men and reclaiming the baby raptors.

But Connor wasn’t going to allow it. He had interpreted the situation differently than she had and had thusly acted on what he felt was right. Connor was the one who loved her the most and now was willing to die for her protection. If only Abby could have indicated in some form to Connor that she would have gladly done the same for him! In frustration Abby leaned against the door and listened on.

“Since you insist on doing things your own way, let’s make good of one of your promises,” said Strong as he grinned. Grabbing Connor by the collar of his shirt, Strong slammed him into the door, causing Connor to yelp in pain as he sank some. On the other side Abby recoiled in alarm, worried that he wasn’t going to make it.

But Connor was quick to recover. He threw his head forward and like a ram, Connor butted the cruel man. Stunned by this sudden action, Strong immediately release him. But the blow had momentarily knocked Connor senseless, and he collapsed once more against the door. Whirling on the youth, Strong pointed his weapon at him. Knowing that the bullet was likely to go through him as well as the door, Connor leapt at Strong, tackling him just as the gun went off.

The round ripped through Connor’s side before embedding itself harmlessly into the upper wall. Both Connor and Strong crashed to the floor. For a moment Connor lay nearly unconscious on top of Strong, giving the other two soldiers an opportunity to pounce him while the third helped his Captain up. The soldiers threw Connor against the door and laughed as he sank to the cold floor. In the darkness Abby pressed her hand against the door, panic numbing her body.

“Connor!” she gasped, half-choked with tears. “Connor!”

The frightened cry of his dear friend, though very faint in his ears, wrapped around Connor’s heart and pulled him back towards consciousness. A surge of encouragement spread through Connor like the sun rising across a darkened desert. His eyes fluttered for a moment, then opened. Strong towered above him, the handgun quaking in his grasp. Connor swallowed hard, fighting every ounce of him that screamed for sleep. He could not rest; Abby was still in danger.

The soldier who had earlier tried to get past Connor stepped up to his superior and spoke in a raised whisper, “Captain, begging your pardon Sir, but you know Professor Cutter is not going to be kept away from this. He and that army of Lester’s will soon be here. And Miss Preisner said that we were not to harm him or--”

“Yes, I know what the guv’nor ordered,” Strong growled impatiently as he rolled his eyes. “You, take your men and secure the raptors. I’m going to deal with this fuckwit and his cow. If anything comes at you, get the fuck out of here! Miss Preisner only needs to know about the four raptors. Now get going!”

The soldier withdrew and gestured for his men to clear the room. Now that he was alone, Captain Strong came closer to the trembling Connor. “What you are forgetting mate, is that your little pet can hear everything that is going on out here. You don’t want her tortured, you say? Well, let’s just see how much she feels for you, eh?”

At that the brute slammed Connor against the side head with his weapon, taking the youth to the floor. Connor could barely move from the pain radiating through his body but the strong instinct to protect the woman he loved overshadowed every bit of commonsense he had left. As he pushed himself up he felt Strong’s boot catch him in the ribs. Connor rolled over onto his stomach, unable to stop the torment ravishing his body. Each kick Connor received was like a ship at the mercy of an angry ocean. There was nothing for him to do but to take every punishing strike that Strong threw at him. Connor’s cries echoed off the walls of the hollow room, creating a torturous symphony for the enraged Abigail.

“Leave him alone you bastard!” Abby cried at last, beating her fist against the door. “Stop torturing him!”

As much as she wanted to maintain composure for her sake, this was her friend of more than three years; her flat mate, her close companion! Connor had nearly died several times trying to save her and had even preserved the integrity of her brother at the risk of ruining their friendship! Connor was so much more than a mere friend.

Leaning against the door, Abby let her tears fall as she screamed, “Connor! Connor!”

The piteous wailing of Abby gave Strong a moment of pause and allowed Connor a momentary reprieve. As he lay on the floor, wheezing unsteadily, Connor’s pants were interrupted by a series of violent coughs that left droplets of blood splattered on the floor. So this was it. This was what it felt like to be truly dying! Connor shakily pushed himself up and let his back hit the door.

If the bastard wanted Abby, he’d have to remove his dead body! And even this would certainly be enough time for Danny and Nick to get here! Praise Lester and his insistence on the Becker brigade!

“You think you have won, hero?”

Connor glowered at his infuriating opponent. He could not be swayed from his post.

Still grinning like a mad hyena, Strong wiped his face of the blood and knelt in front of Connor. Strong pressed the barrel into his wound, causing Connor to whimper. The evil man cackled in delight. “In the end hero, you will always be the fuckwit who dies in a vain attempt at making a difference, while people like me, we persevere. And we will always win. It’s arrogant twats like you and Quinn who make victory easier to obtain.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that mate,” Connor spat, throwing the malicious man a stubborn glare. “Quinn is going to be here at any minute and he’s going to kick your--”

Strong licked his lips and sniggered. “Quinn’s dead.”

Connor’s mouth dropped slightly but then he narrowed his eyes in disbelief and exclaimed, “No he’s not! You’re lying! ”

“What the hell do you think those gunshots were about earlier? Clay pigeons?” Strong barked another evil laugh. “You may fool me once but you cannot fool me twice. Quinn had this coming for years and finally, it is over! Just think Connor, he’s out of his misery and soon, so shall you. So don’t look so sad, for you knew it would end like this. Of course, slowly draining Quinn of his life was much more fun than it has been dealing with you. Fucking twat. If only he could be alive to see how much pain I have been putting you through. It would break his heart.”

“You bastard…!” Connor growled as tears streaked down his bloodied cheeks. In a sudden burst of adrenaline he tried to lunge at Strong but the man promptly pushed the tip of the gun into the wound, causing Connor to immediately retreat.

Behind the door Abby sank to the ground with him. Her heart ached at the torture that Connor had to endure for her survival. Silently she pounded the floor with her fist, frustrated that she was unable to do anything. What she wouldn’t give to be on the other side, protecting Connor! She would show that heartless soldier the meaning of helpless! But no, she was stuck behind this door, and more afraid than she had been than when the mer-creatures had taken her.

Meanwhile, Strong had managed to push Connor back to the floor by pressing his gun forcefully into Connor’s wound. Only a few minutes had passed by and already Connor’s face was beginning to pale . Encouraged by his opponent’s demise, Strong grinned at him.

“Bastard? Maybe. But at least I have the power! At last I am the commander of my own force and no one, not even the heroic Quinn, can interfere with my plans! Those raptors are ensuring my retirement plans. We have overseas investors who have promised so much money I can build my own island! And that is only with four of the raptors in mind! They don‘t know about Quinn’s little favourite, Bluebird, now do they? No they don’t and it’s damn lucky for me because I have something special in mind for her.”

“So that’s what this is about? Power and money?” Connor shook his head, a scowl forming across his parched lips. “Coward,” Connor whimpered, the bitterness fuelling more tears. “Quinn told me about what you did to those people and how you escaped being imprisoned for it. And now to extract revenge against someone you would torture an innocent creature! Danny told me how you betrayed the people you had sworn to protect! You betrayed them, your outfit… and you betrayed this country! You are… a fucking coward mate! That’s all you are, and that’s all you ever will be!”

“Fucking cheeky bastard,” said the soldier, disgusted. He took the gun and pressed the barrel against Connor’s chest. “I’ll take those as your last words. At least Quinn had the decency to die without so much of a cry of defiance. Lucky for me, unfortunate for you.

♥|| Part I || Part II || Part III ||♥

primeval: paid in blood, primeval: promises unbroken a love kept, primeval

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